Gift cards with unique one-time use codes are emailed (within 24 hours) to your recipient.
Alternatively, you may choose a printed card to be mailed (via USPS) to the recipient for an additional $3.00 fee.
Created by Renée gift cards employ one-time use codes which are provided upon purchase via email or postal mail. Gift cards may be applied to one purchase or used for multiple purchases until they reach a $0 balance. If a gift card applied to a purchase only uses a portion of the gift card balance, the original code will no longer be valid. A new code (with updated balance) is emailed to the card holder within 24 hours for use on future purchases.

Gift cards are accepted in this shop towards commissioned projects or custom requests. They are accepted the same as other payments and are subject to the same nonrefundable deposit/payment policies that apply to other forms of payment for custom orders. Read more about custom orders on the Payment and Shipping Page.
Lost or stolen gift cards may be replaced for the value remaining on the card, if any. In the event of a lost or stolen gift card, complete the contact form to request a new code.
Requests must include the recipient name and email associated with the card to allow me to void the original card code and provide a new gift card code and balance via email. Once a code is voided, it cannot be used. Replacement codes are emailed, at no additional cost. A $3.00 replacement fee will apply to requests to mail replacement cards via USPS.
**Checkout with a gift card in this shop will currently state that your total gift card amount has been applied, regardless of purchase amount. I am working to have this changed to reflect the actual portion of the balance used on a specific purchase. In the meantime, whenever a customer spends LESS than the gift card amount available, though checkout states the entire amount is applied, the customer will receive an email with new code and new balance statement. Contact me if you have questions, concerns, or need assistance during checkout.
***Due to payment processor requirements, cards expire within 1 year from date of purchase. Refunds are accepted for unused gift cards up to 6 months from purchase date. Refunds for gift cards are for the card amount only. Printing and postage fees are non-refundable. Feel free to contact me at renee@createdbyrenee.com with any questions regarding purchase and redemption of gift cards.
*Please note that electronic gift cards arrive with "Created by Renée Gifts" as the sender, with YOUR name in the subject line. You may want to either alert your recipient or have the email sent to your own address to allow you to forward it to them to avoid the gift card email being deleted or sent to a spam folder.