Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish - product images  of
$42 USD
6in x 6.25in x 1.5in | paper mache, wood

Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish

A cluster of dimensional paper hearts framed in a shadowbox. Four hearts, hand sculpted in paper mache. Finished in complimentary red, pink, and purple hues, and a rustic crackled effect. A script background completes the effect. Prop on a surface or hang anywhere you want to add a little love (hanging hardware is attached to the back). A sweet gift for yourself or for someone else.

Color: antique cream, dark brown, red, fuschia, pink, purple, metallic bronze
Measures: approx. 6in x 6.25in x 1.5in deep
(15.5cm x 16.5cm x 4cm)

*You will receive the four heart shadowbox only. Other items shown are for example only, not included. View more pieces like this here.

Recycling and conservation is important to me. Unless otherwise indicated, ALL of my papier mache items are made from recycled paper and other reclaimed materials, not preshredded storebought mache.

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Necklace,,Rustic,Key,Pendant,on,Leather,Cord:,Eros,necklace with key pendant, boho key necklace, shabby chic salvaged paper key necklace, leather cord necklace with key pendant
$25 USD
Necklace, Rustic Key Pendant on Leather Cord: Eros
Necklace,,Rustic,Key,Pendant,on,Leather,Cord:,Eros,necklace with key pendant, boho key necklace, shabby chic salvaged paper key necklace, leather cord necklace with key pendant
$25 USD
Necklace, Rustic Key Pendant on Leather Cord: Eros
Post,Earrings,,Tiny,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Heart,Studs:,Venus,paper mache post earrings, paper mache heart earrings, crackled heart earrings
$16 USD
Post Earrings, Tiny Crackled Paper Mache Heart Studs: Venus
Post,Earrings,,Tiny,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Heart,Studs:,Venus,paper mache post earrings, paper mache heart earrings, crackled heart earrings
$16 USD
Post Earrings, Tiny Crackled Paper Mache Heart Studs: Venus
Clip,On,Charm,,Rustic,Resin,Assemblage,Art,Purse,,Keyring,Accent,Pendant:,Sisters,rustic brass resin art key ring, over sized art key ring, key ring with picture of a woman, big resin assemblage art key ring
$24 USD
Clip On Charm, Rustic Resin Assemblage Art Purse, Keyring Accent Pendant: Sisters
Clip,On,Charm,,Rustic,Resin,Assemblage,Art,Purse,,Keyring,Accent,Pendant:,Sisters,rustic brass resin art key ring, over sized art key ring, key ring with picture of a woman, big resin assemblage art key ring
$24 USD
Clip On Charm, Rustic Resin Assemblage Art Purse, Keyring Accent Pendant: Sisters
Cord,Necklace,,White,Stone,Pendant,on,Long,Knotted,Cord:,Blaine,cotton cord necklace, natural cord pendant necklace, long pendant necklace, summer jewelry, white and gold necklace
$29 USD $26 USD
Cord Necklace, White Stone Pendant on Long Knotted Cord: Blaine
Cord,Necklace,,White,Stone,Pendant,on,Long,Knotted,Cord:,Blaine,cotton cord necklace, natural cord pendant necklace, long pendant necklace, summer jewelry, white and gold necklace
$29 USD $26 USD
Cord Necklace, White Stone Pendant on Long Knotted Cord: Blaine
Pet,Fish,Ornament,,Paper,Mache,Goldfish,Sculpture,in,a,Bottle,ball ornament, fish ornament, fish sculpture, goldfish decor, goldfish ornament, black moor ornament
$36 USD $28.80 USD
Pet Fish Ornament, Paper Mache Goldfish Sculpture in a Bottle
Pet,Fish,Ornament,,Paper,Mache,Goldfish,Sculpture,in,a,Bottle,ball ornament, fish ornament, fish sculpture, goldfish decor, goldfish ornament, black moor ornament
$36 USD $28.80 USD
Pet Fish Ornament, Paper Mache Goldfish Sculpture in a Bottle
Bowl,,Large,Print,Fabric,Covered,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,with,Handles:,Kedar,big papier mache bowl, fabric covered paper mache bowl, recycled paper decor, paper bowl, bowl with handles, colorful paper mache bowl
$89 USD
Bowl, Large Print Fabric Covered Paper Mache Centerpiece with Handles: Kedar
Bowl,,Large,Print,Fabric,Covered,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,with,Handles:,Kedar,big papier mache bowl, fabric covered paper mache bowl, recycled paper decor, paper bowl, bowl with handles, colorful paper mache bowl
$89 USD
Bowl, Large Print Fabric Covered Paper Mache Centerpiece with Handles: Kedar
Bowl,,Black,and,White,Graphic,Stripe,with,Raw,Edge:,Asterisk,big papier mache bowl, black and white bowl, paper mache bowl, paper mache art, recycled home accent, recycled decor, paper bowl, striped bowl
$58 USD
Bowl, Black and White Graphic Stripe with Raw Edge: Asterisk
Bowl,,Black,and,White,Graphic,Stripe,with,Raw,Edge:,Asterisk,big papier mache bowl, black and white bowl, paper mache bowl, paper mache art, recycled home accent, recycled decor, paper bowl, striped bowl
$58 USD
Bowl, Black and White Graphic Stripe with Raw Edge: Asterisk
Bracelet,,Cream,Glass,Beaded,Wrap,Bangle,with,Tassel:,Sheridan,white beaded bracelet, tassel bracelet, flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with cream glass, memory wire bracelet, beaded bangle bracelet, cream beaded bracelet, flexible no clasp wrap bracelet, glass bead memory wire bracelet
$26 USD
Bracelet, Cream Glass Beaded Wrap Bangle with Tassel: Sheridan
Bracelet,,Cream,Glass,Beaded,Wrap,Bangle,with,Tassel:,Sheridan,white beaded bracelet, tassel bracelet, flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with cream glass, memory wire bracelet, beaded bangle bracelet, cream beaded bracelet, flexible no clasp wrap bracelet, glass bead memory wire bracelet
$26 USD
Bracelet, Cream Glass Beaded Wrap Bangle with Tassel: Sheridan
Pedestal,Bowl,,Rustic,Yellow,and,Bronze,Vessel,with,Distressed,Words:,Blake,yellow paper mache pedestal bowl, papier mache bowl, rustic yellow bowl, yellow centerpiece, autumn decor, fall centerpiece, handmade bowl, earthy decor
$55 USD
Pedestal Bowl, Rustic Yellow and Bronze Vessel with Distressed Words: Blake
Pedestal,Bowl,,Rustic,Yellow,and,Bronze,Vessel,with,Distressed,Words:,Blake,yellow paper mache pedestal bowl, papier mache bowl, rustic yellow bowl, yellow centerpiece, autumn decor, fall centerpiece, handmade bowl, earthy decor
$55 USD
Pedestal Bowl, Rustic Yellow and Bronze Vessel with Distressed Words: Blake
Earrings,,Striped,Glass,Dangles:,Hermosa,glass bead dangle earrings, striped glass dangle earrings, long glass earrings, elegant glass earrings
$17 USD
Earrings, Striped Glass Dangles: Hermosa
Earrings,,Striped,Glass,Dangles:,Hermosa,glass bead dangle earrings, striped glass dangle earrings, long glass earrings, elegant glass earrings
$17 USD
Earrings, Striped Glass Dangles: Hermosa
Necklace,,Beaded,Glass,with,Paper,Bead,and,Tassel,Pendant:,Phoebe,beaded tassel pendant necklace, paper jewelry, paper bead necklace, recycled jewelry, handmade tassel necklace, knotted necklace
$39 USD
Necklace, Beaded Glass with Paper Bead and Tassel Pendant: Phoebe
Necklace,,Beaded,Glass,with,Paper,Bead,and,Tassel,Pendant:,Phoebe,beaded tassel pendant necklace, paper jewelry, paper bead necklace, recycled jewelry, handmade tassel necklace, knotted necklace
$39 USD
Necklace, Beaded Glass with Paper Bead and Tassel Pendant: Phoebe
Necklace,,Green,Stone,Circles,on,Rustic,Brass,Chain:,Greenlea,beaded tassel pendant necklace, paper jewelry, paper bead necklace, recycled jewelry, handmade tassel necklace, knotted necklace
$27 USD
Necklace, Green Stone Circles on Rustic Brass Chain: Greenlea
Necklace,,Green,Stone,Circles,on,Rustic,Brass,Chain:,Greenlea,beaded tassel pendant necklace, paper jewelry, paper bead necklace, recycled jewelry, handmade tassel necklace, knotted necklace
$27 USD
Necklace, Green Stone Circles on Rustic Brass Chain: Greenlea
Earrings,,Rustic,Brass,Dangles,with,White,Stone,Elephants:,Verity,stone elephant earrings, white elephant jewelry, rustic elephant dangle earrings, brass and howlite stone jewelry, long elephant earrings
$17 USD
Earrings, Rustic Brass Dangles with White Stone Elephants: Verity
Earrings,,Rustic,Brass,Dangles,with,White,Stone,Elephants:,Verity,stone elephant earrings, white elephant jewelry, rustic elephant dangle earrings, brass and howlite stone jewelry, long elephant earrings
$17 USD
Earrings, Rustic Brass Dangles with White Stone Elephants: Verity
Rock,Stack,,Paper,Mache,Photo,Note,Holder,Sculpture,handmade paper mache rock stack photo holder, rock stack note holder, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor keepsake, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river
$25 USD
Rock Stack, Paper Mache Photo Note Holder Sculpture
Rock,Stack,,Paper,Mache,Photo,Note,Holder,Sculpture,handmade paper mache rock stack photo holder, rock stack note holder, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor keepsake, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river
$25 USD
Rock Stack, Paper Mache Photo Note Holder Sculpture
Necklace,,Foil,Leafed,Salvaged,Paper,Bead,with,Crystals:,Sliver,beaded crystal necklace with recycled paper bead, paper bead jewelry, recycled paper jewelry, foil leafed paper bead necklace, salvaged paper jewelry, handmade paper necklace
$32 USD
Necklace, Foil Leafed Salvaged Paper Bead with Crystals: Sliver
Necklace,,Foil,Leafed,Salvaged,Paper,Bead,with,Crystals:,Sliver,beaded crystal necklace with recycled paper bead, paper bead jewelry, recycled paper jewelry, foil leafed paper bead necklace, salvaged paper jewelry, handmade paper necklace
$32 USD
Necklace, Foil Leafed Salvaged Paper Bead with Crystals: Sliver
Bowl,,Textured,Small,Blue,and,Gray,with,Raw,Edge:,Rind,small textured paper mache bowl, handmade papier mache bowl, wabi sabi salvaged paper bowl, blue gray gold bowl, salvaged paper decor, recycled paper bowl
$39 USD
Bowl, Textured Small Blue and Gray with Raw Edge: Rind
Bowl,,Textured,Small,Blue,and,Gray,with,Raw,Edge:,Rind,small textured paper mache bowl, handmade papier mache bowl, wabi sabi salvaged paper bowl, blue gray gold bowl, salvaged paper decor, recycled paper bowl
$39 USD
Bowl, Textured Small Blue and Gray with Raw Edge: Rind
Bowl,,Dark,Blue,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Trees,and,Stars:,Winter,Night,big papier mache bowl, art centerpiece bowl, paper mache bowl, paper mache art, recycled home accent, recycled decor, paper bowl, night sky art,
$58 USD $49 USD
Bowl, Dark Blue Paper Mache Vessel with Trees and Stars: Winter Night
Bowl,,Dark,Blue,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Trees,and,Stars:,Winter,Night,big papier mache bowl, art centerpiece bowl, paper mache bowl, paper mache art, recycled home accent, recycled decor, paper bowl, night sky art,
$58 USD $49 USD
Bowl, Dark Blue Paper Mache Vessel with Trees and Stars: Winter Night
Landscape,Painting,with,Words:,On,the,Horizon,painting on wood, horizon painting, skyline at dusk painting, pink dusk cloud painting, painting with words, manifestation painting, law of attraction art, ooak acrylic painting, landscape skyline painting
$250 USD
Landscape Painting with Words: On the Horizon
Landscape,Painting,with,Words:,On,the,Horizon,painting on wood, horizon painting, skyline at dusk painting, pink dusk cloud painting, painting with words, manifestation painting, law of attraction art, ooak acrylic painting, landscape skyline painting
$250 USD
Landscape Painting with Words: On the Horizon
Drawing,,Large,Original,Oil,Pastel,Art,on,Wood:,the,Natural,original art, black art, naturalista, black woman, plant lover, natural hair, gardening, self care art, natural beauty, pastel art, oil pastel drawing, large art on wood
$475 USD
Drawing, Large Original Oil Pastel Art on Wood: the Natural
Drawing,,Large,Original,Oil,Pastel,Art,on,Wood:,the,Natural,original art, black art, naturalista, black woman, plant lover, natural hair, gardening, self care art, natural beauty, pastel art, oil pastel drawing, large art on wood
$475 USD
Drawing, Large Original Oil Pastel Art on Wood: the Natural
Choker,,Copper,Cable,Necklace,with,Salvaged,Fabric,Bead:,Adinkra,salvaged fabric bead necklace, upcycled fabric jewelry, fabric bead choker necklace, recycled fabric jewelry, salvaged fabric bead
$24 USD
Choker, Copper Cable Necklace with Salvaged Fabric Bead: Adinkra
Choker,,Copper,Cable,Necklace,with,Salvaged,Fabric,Bead:,Adinkra,salvaged fabric bead necklace, upcycled fabric jewelry, fabric bead choker necklace, recycled fabric jewelry, salvaged fabric bead
$24 USD
Choker, Copper Cable Necklace with Salvaged Fabric Bead: Adinkra
Decor,Ball,,Large,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Art,on,Stand:,Qatar,paper mache art, handmade paper mache ball paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball, gold and white decor accent
$150 USD
Decor Ball, Large Decorative Paper Mache Art on Stand: Qatar
Decor,Ball,,Large,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Art,on,Stand:,Qatar,paper mache art, handmade paper mache ball paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball, gold and white decor accent
$150 USD
Decor Ball, Large Decorative Paper Mache Art on Stand: Qatar
Choker,,Copper,Cable,Necklace,with,Salvaged,Paper,Bead:,Allemagne,salvaged paper bead necklace, upcycled paper jewelry, paper bead choker necklace, recycled paper jewelry, salvaged paper bead
$24 USD $21 USD
Choker, Copper Cable Necklace with Salvaged Paper Bead: Allemagne
Choker,,Copper,Cable,Necklace,with,Salvaged,Paper,Bead:,Allemagne,salvaged paper bead necklace, upcycled paper jewelry, paper bead choker necklace, recycled paper jewelry, salvaged paper bead
$24 USD $21 USD
Choker, Copper Cable Necklace with Salvaged Paper Bead: Allemagne
Small,Vase,,Striped,Paper,Mache,Wet,Bud,Holder,with,Stopper:,Gourd,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache vase with stopper, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$56 USD
Small Vase, Striped Paper Mache Wet Bud Holder with Stopper: Gourd
Small,Vase,,Striped,Paper,Mache,Wet,Bud,Holder,with,Stopper:,Gourd,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache vase with stopper, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$56 USD
Small Vase, Striped Paper Mache Wet Bud Holder with Stopper: Gourd
Bowl,,Patchwork,Colored,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,with,Gold,Accents:,Georgia,Big bowl, paper mache home decor, paper mache bowl, recycled home goods, eco friendly tableware, recycled paper bowl, colorful fall bowl
$55 USD
Bowl, Patchwork Colored Paper Mache Centerpiece with Gold Accents: Georgia
Bowl,,Patchwork,Colored,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,with,Gold,Accents:,Georgia,Big bowl, paper mache home decor, paper mache bowl, recycled home goods, eco friendly tableware, recycled paper bowl, colorful fall bowl
$55 USD
Bowl, Patchwork Colored Paper Mache Centerpiece with Gold Accents: Georgia
Autumn,Landscape,Painting,on,Wood,Panel:,Serenbe,painting on wood, autumn art painting, autumn trees painting, fall landscape painting on wood, autumn leaves art, fall trees original art, serenbe
$450 USD
Autumn Landscape Painting on Wood Panel: Serenbe
Autumn,Landscape,Painting,on,Wood,Panel:,Serenbe,painting on wood, autumn art painting, autumn trees painting, fall landscape painting on wood, autumn leaves art, fall trees original art, serenbe
$450 USD
Autumn Landscape Painting on Wood Panel: Serenbe
Tassel,Earrings,,Metallic,Leather,Dangles:,Dane,long leather tassel earrings, copper tassel dangle earrings, metallic leather jewelry, tassel jewelry, stark modern jewelry, long dangle earrings
$19 USD
Tassel Earrings, Metallic Leather Dangles: Dane
Tassel,Earrings,,Metallic,Leather,Dangles:,Dane,long leather tassel earrings, copper tassel dangle earrings, metallic leather jewelry, tassel jewelry, stark modern jewelry, long dangle earrings
$19 USD
Tassel Earrings, Metallic Leather Dangles: Dane
Rustic,Stone,Bracelet,with,Bone,Button,Clasp:,Ether,Stone beaded bracelet with button clasp, handmade stone and bone bracelet, button clasp bracelet, stone beaded jewelry, one of a kind bracelet
$29 USD
Rustic Stone Bracelet with Bone Button Clasp: Ether
Rustic,Stone,Bracelet,with,Bone,Button,Clasp:,Ether,Stone beaded bracelet with button clasp, handmade stone and bone bracelet, button clasp bracelet, stone beaded jewelry, one of a kind bracelet
$29 USD
Rustic Stone Bracelet with Bone Button Clasp: Ether
Paper,Mache,Oryx,Antelope,Wildlife,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Savannah,paper mache bust sculpture, animal head sculpture, paper mache antelope head, modern gazelle sculpture, african inspired animal bust, paper mache animal decor, white gazelle sculpture
$279 USD
Paper Mache Oryx Antelope Wildlife Sculpture on Stand: Savannah
Paper,Mache,Oryx,Antelope,Wildlife,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Savannah,paper mache bust sculpture, animal head sculpture, paper mache antelope head, modern gazelle sculpture, african inspired animal bust, paper mache animal decor, white gazelle sculpture
$279 USD
Paper Mache Oryx Antelope Wildlife Sculpture on Stand: Savannah
Watercolor,Art,Magnet,Board,with,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Magnets:,Order,in,Chaos,watercolor art magnet board with magnets, magnetic wall art, watercolor wall art, abstract watercolor splatter art
$89 USD
Watercolor Art Magnet Board with Paper Mache Nugget Magnets: Order in Chaos
Watercolor,Art,Magnet,Board,with,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Magnets:,Order,in,Chaos,watercolor art magnet board with magnets, magnetic wall art, watercolor wall art, abstract watercolor splatter art
$89 USD
Watercolor Art Magnet Board with Paper Mache Nugget Magnets: Order in Chaos
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Pitcher,Wet,Vase:,Cyril,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$68 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Pitcher and Wet Vase: Cyril
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Pitcher,Wet,Vase:,Cyril,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$68 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Pitcher and Wet Vase: Cyril
Set,of,Five,Assorted,Paper,Mache,Shapes,on,Stems,Decor,Picks:,Zanzibar,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$32 USD
Set of Five Assorted Paper Mache Shapes on Stems Decor Picks: Zanzibar
Set,of,Five,Assorted,Paper,Mache,Shapes,on,Stems,Decor,Picks:,Zanzibar,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$32 USD
Set of Five Assorted Paper Mache Shapes on Stems Decor Picks: Zanzibar
Giant,White,Minimalist,Abstract,Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculptures,MADE,to,ORDER,big white paper mache pear, giant papier mache pear, abstract pear sculpture, abstract pear prop, minimalist abstract fruit, modern minimalist decor accents, stark white pear
$88 USD
Giant White Minimalist Abstract Paper Mache Pear Sculptures MADE to ORDER
Giant,White,Minimalist,Abstract,Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculptures,MADE,to,ORDER,big white paper mache pear, giant papier mache pear, abstract pear sculpture, abstract pear prop, minimalist abstract fruit, modern minimalist decor accents, stark white pear
$88 USD
Giant White Minimalist Abstract Paper Mache Pear Sculptures MADE to ORDER
Two,Tone,Wood,and,Shell,Beaded,Wrap,Bracelet,with,Rustic,Brass,Accents:,Tahir,wood beaded wrap bracelet with shell, wood and shell bracelet, wood memory wire bracelet, handmade wood jewelry, shell bracelet, adjustable wrap bracelet
$18 USD
Two Tone Wood and Shell Beaded Wrap Bracelet with Rustic Brass Accents: Tahir
Two,Tone,Wood,and,Shell,Beaded,Wrap,Bracelet,with,Rustic,Brass,Accents:,Tahir,wood beaded wrap bracelet with shell, wood and shell bracelet, wood memory wire bracelet, handmade wood jewelry, shell bracelet, adjustable wrap bracelet
$18 USD
Two Tone Wood and Shell Beaded Wrap Bracelet with Rustic Brass Accents: Tahir
Natural,Polished,Carnelian,and,Clay,Key,Ring,stone key ring, stone keyring, stone and clay keychain, handmade key ring, cream, gold, aqua key ring, handmade accessories, polymer clay keyring
$8 USD
Natural Polished Carnelian and Clay Key Ring
Natural,Polished,Carnelian,and,Clay,Key,Ring,stone key ring, stone keyring, stone and clay keychain, handmade key ring, cream, gold, aqua key ring, handmade accessories, polymer clay keyring
$8 USD
Natural Polished Carnelian and Clay Key Ring
Natural,Polished,Stone,and,Clay,Key,Ring,stone key ring, stone keyring, stone and clay keychain, handmade key ring, cream, gold, aqua key ring, handmade accessories, polymer clay keyring
$8 USD
Natural Polished Stone and Clay Key Ring
Natural,Polished,Stone,and,Clay,Key,Ring,stone key ring, stone keyring, stone and clay keychain, handmade key ring, cream, gold, aqua key ring, handmade accessories, polymer clay keyring
$8 USD
Natural Polished Stone and Clay Key Ring
Long,Natural,Hematite,and,Blush,Acrylic,Lozenge,Beaded,Convertible,Necklace:,Phoebe,handmade hematite necklace, non magnetic hematite jewelry, dark silver and pink necklace, long convertible beaded necklace, beaded hematite necklace
$45 USD
Long Natural Hematite and Blush Acrylic Lozenge Beaded Convertible Necklace: Phoebe
Long,Natural,Hematite,and,Blush,Acrylic,Lozenge,Beaded,Convertible,Necklace:,Phoebe,handmade hematite necklace, non magnetic hematite jewelry, dark silver and pink necklace, long convertible beaded necklace, beaded hematite necklace
$45 USD
Long Natural Hematite and Blush Acrylic Lozenge Beaded Convertible Necklace: Phoebe