Rustic,Paper,Mache,Rabbit,Sculpture:,the,Golden,Hare,handmade paper mache art, paper mache rabbit sculpture, rustic paper mache animal, paper mache home decor, limited edition recycled paper art, salvaged paper sculpture
$89 USD
Rustic Paper Mache Rabbit Sculpture: the Golden Hare
Rustic,Paper,Mache,Rabbit,Sculpture:,the,Golden,Hare,handmade paper mache art, paper mache rabbit sculpture, rustic paper mache animal, paper mache home decor, limited edition recycled paper art, salvaged paper sculpture
$89 USD
Rustic Paper Mache Rabbit Sculpture: the Golden Hare
Paper,Mache,Rock,with,Words,,Faux,Decorative,Stone:,Go,Forth,and,Be,Fabulous,rock with words, paper mache rock, papier mache desk decor, inspirational gifts, motivational quote, eco-friendly stocking stuffer, encouragement gift
$39 USD
Paper Mache Rock with Words, Faux Decorative Stone: Go Forth and Be Fabulous
Paper,Mache,Rock,with,Words,,Faux,Decorative,Stone:,Go,Forth,and,Be,Fabulous,rock with words, paper mache rock, papier mache desk decor, inspirational gifts, motivational quote, eco-friendly stocking stuffer, encouragement gift
$39 USD
Paper Mache Rock with Words, Faux Decorative Stone: Go Forth and Be Fabulous
Paper,Mache,Art,,Miniature,Sculpture,in,a,Cloche,Jar:,Protect,Your,Peace,paper mache art, ooak papier mache, black woman sculpture, protect your peace, positive thought, keepsake art
$325 USD
Paper Mache Art, Miniature Sculpture in a Cloche Jar: Protect Your Peace
Paper,Mache,Art,,Miniature,Sculpture,in,a,Cloche,Jar:,Protect,Your,Peace,paper mache art, ooak papier mache, black woman sculpture, protect your peace, positive thought, keepsake art
$325 USD
Paper Mache Art, Miniature Sculpture in a Cloche Jar: Protect Your Peace
Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$75 USD
Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres in Assorted Sizes
Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$75 USD
Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres in Assorted Sizes
Gray,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$85 USD
Gray and Gold Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres
Gray,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$85 USD
Gray and Gold Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres
Decorative,Acorn,Storage,Cloche,with,Lid:,Byzantium,handmade paper mache decor box, paper mache acorn cloche, festive eco-friendly decorative container, rustic acorn decor
$48 USD $38.40 USD
Decorative Acorn Storage Cloche with Lid: Byzantium
Decorative,Acorn,Storage,Cloche,with,Lid:,Byzantium,handmade paper mache decor box, paper mache acorn cloche, festive eco-friendly decorative container, rustic acorn decor
$48 USD $38.40 USD
Decorative Acorn Storage Cloche with Lid: Byzantium
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Air,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$57 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Air
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Air,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$57 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Air
Rustic,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Henreid,handmade decor accents, beige accent balls, paper mache balls, crackled accent balls, light colored decorative balls,  bowl filler balls, centerpiece balls, rustic accent balls, decorative tan spheres, interior decoration balls, textured decor accents
$89 USD $69 USD
Rustic Crackled Paper Mache Accent Balls: Henreid
Rustic,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Henreid,handmade decor accents, beige accent balls, paper mache balls, crackled accent balls, light colored decorative balls,  bowl filler balls, centerpiece balls, rustic accent balls, decorative tan spheres, interior decoration balls, textured decor accents
$89 USD $69 USD
Rustic Crackled Paper Mache Accent Balls: Henreid
Primitive,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Atlas,faux stone balls, paper mache accent balls, papier mache nesting balls, big fake stone balls, minimalist primitive decor accents, large centerpiece, coffee table sculpture
$170 USD
Primitive Paper Mache Accent Balls: Atlas
Primitive,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Atlas,faux stone balls, paper mache accent balls, papier mache nesting balls, big fake stone balls, minimalist primitive decor accents, large centerpiece, coffee table sculpture
$170 USD
Primitive Paper Mache Accent Balls: Atlas
Abstract,Modern,Faux,Stone,Paper,Mache,Bust,Sculpture,paper mache art, ooak papier mache, modern minimalist bust, original art, paper mache bust sculpture, bust series
$125 USD $100 USD
Abstract Modern Faux Stone Paper Mache Bust Sculpture
Abstract,Modern,Faux,Stone,Paper,Mache,Bust,Sculpture,paper mache art, ooak papier mache, modern minimalist bust, original art, paper mache bust sculpture, bust series
$125 USD $100 USD
Abstract Modern Faux Stone Paper Mache Bust Sculpture
Dark,Bronze,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Recycled,Decor:,Sukoshi,mini paper mache vase, dark bronze miniature vase, japanese inspired paper mache vase, recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor
$28 USD $22.40 USD
Dark Bronze Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase, Recycled Decor: Sukoshi
Dark,Bronze,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Recycled,Decor:,Sukoshi,mini paper mache vase, dark bronze miniature vase, japanese inspired paper mache vase, recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor
$28 USD $22.40 USD
Dark Bronze Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase, Recycled Decor: Sukoshi
Large,Decorative,Graphic,Pattern,Paper,Mache,Platter:,Mincie,Paper mache wall art, oversized paper mache platter, sustainable decor, decorative platter on stand, black and white decor accent
$78 USD $62.40 USD
Large Decorative Graphic Pattern Paper Mache Platter: Mincie
Large,Decorative,Graphic,Pattern,Paper,Mache,Platter:,Mincie,Paper mache wall art, oversized paper mache platter, sustainable decor, decorative platter on stand, black and white decor accent
$78 USD $62.40 USD
Large Decorative Graphic Pattern Paper Mache Platter: Mincie
Oversized,Gold,Foil,Paper,Mache,Pomegranate,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Corinth,Paper mache pomegranate, gold pomegranate sculpture, gold foil sculpture, foil leafed sculpture, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$68 USD $54.40 USD
Oversized Gold Foil Paper Mache Pomegranate Sculpture on Stand: Corinth
Oversized,Gold,Foil,Paper,Mache,Pomegranate,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Corinth,Paper mache pomegranate, gold pomegranate sculpture, gold foil sculpture, foil leafed sculpture, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$68 USD $54.40 USD
Oversized Gold Foil Paper Mache Pomegranate Sculpture on Stand: Corinth
Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,,Modern,Sustainable,Decor,Art,Paper mache pear, white pear sculpture, white fruit sculpture, big pear art, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$98 USD $78.40 USD
Paper Mache Pear Sculpture, Modern Sustainable Decor Art
Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,,Modern,Sustainable,Decor,Art,Paper mache pear, white pear sculpture, white fruit sculpture, big pear art, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$98 USD $78.40 USD
Paper Mache Pear Sculpture, Modern Sustainable Decor Art
Decorative,Paper,Mache,River,Stone,Magnets,,Set,of,Five,Gray,and,White:,Quarry,faux river stone magnet set, paper mache magnet set, polished stones, riverstone inspired decor
$29 USD $23.20 USD
Decorative Paper Mache River Stone Magnets, Set of Five Gray and White: Quarry
Decorative,Paper,Mache,River,Stone,Magnets,,Set,of,Five,Gray,and,White:,Quarry,faux river stone magnet set, paper mache magnet set, polished stones, riverstone inspired decor
$29 USD $23.20 USD
Decorative Paper Mache River Stone Magnets, Set of Five Gray and White: Quarry
Paper,Mache,Oryx,Antelope,Wildlife,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Savannah,paper mache bust sculpture, animal head sculpture, paper mache antelope head, modern gazelle sculpture, african inspired animal bust, paper mache animal decor, white gazelle sculpture
$279 USD
Paper Mache Oryx Antelope Wildlife Sculpture on Stand: Savannah
Paper,Mache,Oryx,Antelope,Wildlife,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Savannah,paper mache bust sculpture, animal head sculpture, paper mache antelope head, modern gazelle sculpture, african inspired animal bust, paper mache animal decor, white gazelle sculpture
$279 USD
Paper Mache Oryx Antelope Wildlife Sculpture on Stand: Savannah
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Water,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$58 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Water
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Water,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$58 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Water
Small,Vase,,Striped,Paper,Mache,Wet,Bud,Holder,with,Stopper:,Gourd,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache vase with stopper, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$56 USD
Small Vase, Striped Paper Mache Wet Bud Holder with Stopper: Gourd
Small,Vase,,Striped,Paper,Mache,Wet,Bud,Holder,with,Stopper:,Gourd,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache vase with stopper, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$56 USD
Small Vase, Striped Paper Mache Wet Bud Holder with Stopper: Gourd
Bowl,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Decorative,Nodes:,Mineral,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl, bumpy bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$50 USD
Bowl, Handmade Paper Mache Vessel with Decorative Nodes: Mineral
Bowl,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Decorative,Nodes:,Mineral,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl, bumpy bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$50 USD
Bowl, Handmade Paper Mache Vessel with Decorative Nodes: Mineral
Rock,Stack,,Paper,Mache,Photo,Note,Holder,Sculpture,handmade paper mache rock stack photo holder, rock stack note holder, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor keepsake, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river
$25 USD
Rock Stack, Paper Mache Photo Note Holder Sculpture
Rock,Stack,,Paper,Mache,Photo,Note,Holder,Sculpture,handmade paper mache rock stack photo holder, rock stack note holder, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor keepsake, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river
$25 USD
Rock Stack, Paper Mache Photo Note Holder Sculpture
Salvaged,Wire,and,Paper,Hand,Note,Holder,Sculpture:,Helping,salvaged wire hand sculpture, hand note holder, vintage inspired wire hand sculpture, salvaged wire and paper mache hand sculpture, hand jewelry holder, hand photo holder
$29 USD
Salvaged Wire and Paper Hand Note Holder Sculpture: Helping Hand
Salvaged,Wire,and,Paper,Hand,Note,Holder,Sculpture:,Helping,salvaged wire hand sculpture, hand note holder, vintage inspired wire hand sculpture, salvaged wire and paper mache hand sculpture, hand jewelry holder, hand photo holder
$29 USD
Salvaged Wire and Paper Hand Note Holder Sculpture: Helping Hand
Angel,Wall,Sculpture,,Foil,Leaf,Framed,Paper,Mache,Relief,Art:,Hallelujah,angel sculpture, original angel art, one of a kind papier mache art, paper mache angel, religious art, salvaged paper angel art, recycled paper art, christian art
$199 USD
Angel Wall Sculpture, Foil Leaf Framed Paper Mache Relief Art: Hallelujah
Angel,Wall,Sculpture,,Foil,Leaf,Framed,Paper,Mache,Relief,Art:,Hallelujah,angel sculpture, original angel art, one of a kind papier mache art, paper mache angel, religious art, salvaged paper angel art, recycled paper art, christian art
$199 USD
Angel Wall Sculpture, Foil Leaf Framed Paper Mache Relief Art: Hallelujah
Abstract,Sculpture,,Paper,Mache,Assemblage,Art:,Knowledge,is,Power,paper mache assemblage art, abstract paper mache art, salvaged paper and metal art, ooak abstract sculpture, knowledge is power sculpture
$119 USD
Abstract Sculpture, Paper Mache Assemblage Art: Knowledge is Power
Abstract,Sculpture,,Paper,Mache,Assemblage,Art:,Knowledge,is,Power,paper mache assemblage art, abstract paper mache art, salvaged paper and metal art, ooak abstract sculpture, knowledge is power sculpture
$119 USD
Abstract Sculpture, Paper Mache Assemblage Art: Knowledge is Power
Paper,Mache,Bowls,,Set,of,Three,Mini,Bowls,in,Assorted,Browns:,Cafe,papier mache bowls, handmade paper mache bowls, salvaged paper, set of three coffee colored papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache cups, recycled storage, paper mache decor accents, coffee accessories, coffee gifts
$28 USD $24 USD
Paper Mache Bowls, Set of Three Mini Bowls in Assorted Browns: Cafe
Paper,Mache,Bowls,,Set,of,Three,Mini,Bowls,in,Assorted,Browns:,Cafe,papier mache bowls, handmade paper mache bowls, salvaged paper, set of three coffee colored papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache cups, recycled storage, paper mache decor accents, coffee accessories, coffee gifts
$28 USD $24 USD
Paper Mache Bowls, Set of Three Mini Bowls in Assorted Browns: Cafe
Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,White,and,Gold,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, white and gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$72 USD
Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative White and Gold Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,White,and,Gold,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, white and gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$72 USD
Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative White and Gold Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Colorful,Striped,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#2,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, striped paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, striped vase
$39 USD
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2
Colorful,Striped,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#2,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, striped paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, striped vase
$39 USD
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2
Bowl,,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,Accent,with,Tassels:,Festival,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl with tassels, tassel bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$59 USD $49 USD
Bowl, Decorative Paper Mache Centerpiece Accent with Tassels: Festival
Bowl,,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,Accent,with,Tassels:,Festival,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl with tassels, tassel bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$59 USD $49 USD
Bowl, Decorative Paper Mache Centerpiece Accent with Tassels: Festival
Shadowbox,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,Hearts,with,Key:,Beloved,valentine heart keepsake art, heart shadowbox art, paper mache heart gifts, heart and key art
$40 USD
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved
Shadowbox,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,Hearts,with,Key:,Beloved,valentine heart keepsake art, heart shadowbox art, paper mache heart gifts, heart and key art
$40 USD
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved
Bowl,,Large,Print,Fabric,Covered,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,with,Handles:,Kedar,big papier mache bowl, fabric covered paper mache bowl, recycled paper decor, paper bowl, bowl with handles, colorful paper mache bowl
$89 USD
Bowl, Large Print Fabric Covered Paper Mache Centerpiece with Handles: Kedar
Bowl,,Large,Print,Fabric,Covered,Paper,Mache,Centerpiece,with,Handles:,Kedar,big papier mache bowl, fabric covered paper mache bowl, recycled paper decor, paper bowl, bowl with handles, colorful paper mache bowl
$89 USD
Bowl, Large Print Fabric Covered Paper Mache Centerpiece with Handles: Kedar
Pet,Fish,Ornament,,Paper,Mache,Goldfish,Sculpture,in,a,Bottle,ball ornament, fish ornament, fish sculpture, goldfish decor, goldfish ornament, black moor ornament
$36 USD $28.80 USD
Pet Fish Ornament, Paper Mache Goldfish Sculpture in a Bottle
Pet,Fish,Ornament,,Paper,Mache,Goldfish,Sculpture,in,a,Bottle,ball ornament, fish ornament, fish sculpture, goldfish decor, goldfish ornament, black moor ornament
$36 USD $28.80 USD
Pet Fish Ornament, Paper Mache Goldfish Sculpture in a Bottle
Shadowbox,Keepsake,with,Four,Paper,Mache,Hearts:,Cherish,keepsake crackled heart shadowbox art
$42 USD
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish
Shadowbox,Keepsake,with,Four,Paper,Mache,Hearts:,Cherish,keepsake crackled heart shadowbox art
$42 USD
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish
Decor,Ball,,Large,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Art,on,Stand:,Qatar,paper mache art, handmade paper mache ball paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball, gold and white decor accent
$150 USD
Decor Ball, Large Decorative Paper Mache Art on Stand: Qatar
Decor,Ball,,Large,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Art,on,Stand:,Qatar,paper mache art, handmade paper mache ball paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball, gold and white decor accent
$150 USD
Decor Ball, Large Decorative Paper Mache Art on Stand: Qatar
Bottle,Vase,,Coral,and,Cream,Paper,Mache,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#3,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, coral paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, coral print vase
$39 USD
Bottle Vase, Coral and Cream Paper Mache with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #3
Bottle,Vase,,Coral,and,Cream,Paper,Mache,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#3,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, coral paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, coral print vase
$39 USD
Bottle Vase, Coral and Cream Paper Mache with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #3
Giraffe,Figurine,,Paper,Mache,Recycled,Art,Toy,Sculpture:,Cecile,giraffe sculpture, paper mache giraffe, papier mache giraffe, recycled sculpture, recycled art, recycled decor, toy giraffe, decorative toy, colorful sculpture, eco friendly sculpture
$299 USD $199 USD
Giraffe Figurine, Paper Mache Recycled Art Toy Sculpture: Cecile
Giraffe,Figurine,,Paper,Mache,Recycled,Art,Toy,Sculpture:,Cecile,giraffe sculpture, paper mache giraffe, papier mache giraffe, recycled sculpture, recycled art, recycled decor, toy giraffe, decorative toy, colorful sculpture, eco friendly sculpture
$299 USD $199 USD
Giraffe Figurine, Paper Mache Recycled Art Toy Sculpture: Cecile
Big,Papier,Mache,Candied,Pear,Sculpture,with,Rustic,Crackled,Finish:,Poire,D'or,paper mache pear, big papier mache pear, paper fruit sculpture, crackled pear, rustic pear, recycled art, recycled decor, metallic paper pear, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts, candied pear decor, glazed fruit accent
$56 USD
Big Papier Mache Candied Pear Sculpture with Rustic Crackled Finish: Poire D'or
Big,Papier,Mache,Candied,Pear,Sculpture,with,Rustic,Crackled,Finish:,Poire,D'or,paper mache pear, big papier mache pear, paper fruit sculpture, crackled pear, rustic pear, recycled art, recycled decor, metallic paper pear, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts, candied pear decor, glazed fruit accent
$56 USD
Big Papier Mache Candied Pear Sculpture with Rustic Crackled Finish: Poire D'or
Giant,White,Minimalist,Abstract,Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculptures,MADE,to,ORDER,big white paper mache pear, giant papier mache pear, abstract pear sculpture, abstract pear prop, minimalist abstract fruit, modern minimalist decor accents, stark white pear
$88 USD
Giant White Minimalist Abstract Paper Mache Pear Sculptures MADE to ORDER
Giant,White,Minimalist,Abstract,Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculptures,MADE,to,ORDER,big white paper mache pear, giant papier mache pear, abstract pear sculpture, abstract pear prop, minimalist abstract fruit, modern minimalist decor accents, stark white pear
$88 USD
Giant White Minimalist Abstract Paper Mache Pear Sculptures MADE to ORDER
Faceted,Gold,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Topped,Cloche,Jar:,Ore,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, paper mache gold nugget, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche, seedling incubator
$23 USD
Faceted Gold Paper Mache Nugget Topped Cloche Jar: Ore
Faceted,Gold,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Topped,Cloche,Jar:,Ore,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, paper mache gold nugget, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche, seedling incubator
$23 USD
Faceted Gold Paper Mache Nugget Topped Cloche Jar: Ore
Set,of,Three,Handmade,Mini,Stitched,Paper,Mache,Bowls,handmade paper mache bowls, set of three colorful papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache vessels, paper mache storage, paper mache decor accents
$28 USD $24 USD
Set of Three Handmade Mini Stitched Paper Mache Bowls
Set,of,Three,Handmade,Mini,Stitched,Paper,Mache,Bowls,handmade paper mache bowls, set of three colorful papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache vessels, paper mache storage, paper mache decor accents
$28 USD $24 USD
Set of Three Handmade Mini Stitched Paper Mache Bowls
Polka,Dot,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#1,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, polka dot paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache
$39 USD
Polka Dot Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #1
Polka,Dot,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#1,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, polka dot paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache
$39 USD
Polka Dot Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #1
Faux,Rock,Stack,Paper,Mache,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Wind,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$65 USD
Faux Rock Stack Paper Mache Cairn Sculpture Decor: Wind
Faux,Rock,Stack,Paper,Mache,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Wind,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$65 USD
Faux Rock Stack Paper Mache Cairn Sculpture Decor: Wind
Rustic,White,Wash,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pedestal,Server:,Three,Monkeys,paper mache pedestal, rustic shabby cake stand, 3 monkeys pedestal, recycled decor accents, three monkeys paper sculpture, plate stand, jewelry display
$62 USD
Rustic White Wash and Gold Paper Mache Pedestal Server: Three Monkeys
Rustic,White,Wash,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pedestal,Server:,Three,Monkeys,paper mache pedestal, rustic shabby cake stand, 3 monkeys pedestal, recycled decor accents, three monkeys paper sculpture, plate stand, jewelry display
$62 USD
Rustic White Wash and Gold Paper Mache Pedestal Server: Three Monkeys
Handmade,Melon,Pastel,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Recycled,Decor:,Mykonos,mini paper mache vase, bright melon miniature vase, color blocked paper mache vase, saturated color recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor, bright pastel home accents, coral and gold bud vase, shatterproo
$43 USD
Handmade Melon Pastel Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase, Recycled Decor: Mykonos
Handmade,Melon,Pastel,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Recycled,Decor:,Mykonos,mini paper mache vase, bright melon miniature vase, color blocked paper mache vase, saturated color recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor, bright pastel home accents, coral and gold bud vase, shatterproo
$43 USD
Handmade Melon Pastel Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase, Recycled Decor: Mykonos
Salvaged,Paper,and,Wood,Sculptural,Shadowbox,Assemblage,Art:,Circuit,shadowbox assemblage art, ephemera, papier mache art, papier mache sculpture, paper mache art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache beads, wooden shadowbox art, abstract assemblage sculpture
$79 USD
Salvaged Paper and Wood Sculptural Shadowbox Assemblage Art: Circuit
Salvaged,Paper,and,Wood,Sculptural,Shadowbox,Assemblage,Art:,Circuit,shadowbox assemblage art, ephemera, papier mache art, papier mache sculpture, paper mache art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache beads, wooden shadowbox art, abstract assemblage sculpture
$79 USD
Salvaged Paper and Wood Sculptural Shadowbox Assemblage Art: Circuit
Copper,and,Turquoise,Blue,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper and turquoise decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$78 USD
Copper and Turquoise Blue Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Copper,and,Turquoise,Blue,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper and turquoise decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$78 USD
Copper and Turquoise Blue Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Yellow,and,Orange,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Words,Become,Truth,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, orange wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Yellow and Orange Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Words Become Truth
Yellow,and,Orange,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Words,Become,Truth,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, orange wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Yellow and Orange Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Words Become Truth
Green,and,Yellow,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Thoughts,Become,Reality,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, green wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Green and Yellow Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Thoughts Become Reality
Green,and,Yellow,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Thoughts,Become,Reality,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, green wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Green and Yellow Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Thoughts Become Reality
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#1,handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture
$59 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #1
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#1,handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture
$59 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #1
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#2,paper mache vase set, paper mache vase collection, handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache bud vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture, chinese medicine decor, chinese charact
$54 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #2
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#2,paper mache vase set, paper mache vase collection, handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache bud vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture, chinese medicine decor, chinese charact
$54 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #2
Handmade,Mod,Cork,and,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Rings,small bud vase, cork sculpture, salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, small handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, shatterproof cork vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$59 USD
Handmade Mod Cork and Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Rings Vase
Handmade,Mod,Cork,and,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Rings,small bud vase, cork sculpture, salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, small handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, shatterproof cork vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$59 USD
Handmade Mod Cork and Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Rings Vase
Handmade,Green,and,Gold,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Santorini,mini paper mache vase, bright green miniature vase, color blocked paper mache vase, saturated color recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor, bright green home accents, green and gold bud vase, shatterproof
$47 USD
Handmade Green and Gold Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Santorini
Handmade,Green,and,Gold,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Santorini,mini paper mache vase, bright green miniature vase, color blocked paper mache vase, saturated color recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor, bright green home accents, green and gold bud vase, shatterproof
$47 USD
Handmade Green and Gold Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Santorini
Big,Distressed,Faux,Copper,Gazing,Ball,on,Metal,Stand:,Cog,handmade paper mache ball, papier mache art, paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball
$54 USD $46 USD
Big Distressed Faux Copper Gazing Ball on Metal Stand: Cog
Big,Distressed,Faux,Copper,Gazing,Ball,on,Metal,Stand:,Cog,handmade paper mache ball, papier mache art, paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball
$54 USD $46 USD
Big Distressed Faux Copper Gazing Ball on Metal Stand: Cog
Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Handmade,Blue,and,Orange,Recycled,Decor:,Firefly,Vase,ombre vase, blue and orange vase, recycled paper vase, paper mache vase, papier mache vase, recycled art, recycled decor, shatterproof vase
$45 USD $38 USD
Paper Mache Wet Vase, Handmade Blue and Orange Recycled Decor: Firefly Vase
Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Handmade,Blue,and,Orange,Recycled,Decor:,Firefly,Vase,ombre vase, blue and orange vase, recycled paper vase, paper mache vase, papier mache vase, recycled art, recycled decor, shatterproof vase
$45 USD $38 USD
Paper Mache Wet Vase, Handmade Blue and Orange Recycled Decor: Firefly Vase
Copper,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic copper paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$69 USD
Copper Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Copper,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic copper paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$69 USD
Copper Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#1,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #1
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#1,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #1
Handmade,Bronze,and,Cream,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Speckle,small bud vase, salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, shatterproof bronze and cream vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents, paper anniv
$59 USD
Handmade Bronze and Cream Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Speckle Vase
Handmade,Bronze,and,Cream,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Speckle,small bud vase, salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, shatterproof bronze and cream vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents, paper anniv
$59 USD
Handmade Bronze and Cream Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Speckle Vase
Black,and,White,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,polka dot decor accents, recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, black and white decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$62 USD
Black and White Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Black,and,White,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,polka dot decor accents, recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, black and white decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$62 USD
Black and White Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Handmade,Hot,Pink,and,Gold,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Rhodes,mini paper mache vase, pink miniature vase, color blocked paper mache vase, saturated color recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor, bright pink home accents, pink and gold bud vase, shatterproof vase
$46 USD
Handmade Hot Pink and Gold Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Rhodes
Handmade,Hot,Pink,and,Gold,Miniature,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Rhodes,mini paper mache vase, pink miniature vase, color blocked paper mache vase, saturated color recycled paper decor, small papier mache vase, recycled paper craft, salvaged paper decor, bright pink home accents, pink and gold bud vase, shatterproof vase
$46 USD
Handmade Hot Pink and Gold Miniature Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Rhodes
Shadow,Box,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,with,Newspaper,Wings:,Temperate,gold shadowbox art, heart in a shadowbox, heart with wings, handmade paper mache, papier mache, recycled art
$65 USD
Shadow Box Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Heart with Newspaper Wings: Temperate
Shadow,Box,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,with,Newspaper,Wings:,Temperate,gold shadowbox art, heart in a shadowbox, heart with wings, handmade paper mache, papier mache, recycled art
$65 USD
Shadow Box Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Heart with Newspaper Wings: Temperate
Paper,Mache,Filigree,Sculptures,on,Stands,paper mache art objects, paper mache decor accents, paper mache filigree sculptures, handmade papier mache, artist made paper mache, recycled sculpture objects, home accent, recycled interior accents
$49 USD
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands
Paper,Mache,Filigree,Sculptures,on,Stands,paper mache art objects, paper mache decor accents, paper mache filigree sculptures, handmade papier mache, artist made paper mache, recycled sculpture objects, home accent, recycled interior accents
$49 USD
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands
Green,and,Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, green and gold decorative balls, set of three accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$55 USD
Green and Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Three Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Green,and,Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, green and gold decorative balls, set of three accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$55 USD
Green and Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Three Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
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