Abstract,Papier,Mache,Globe,Sculpture:,Paper,Earth,paper mache globe, handmade globe, abstract earth sculpture, crackled earth sculpture, handmade earth, papier mache globe, recycled paper globe, earth decor accent, earth friendly art, recycled art
$59 USD
Abstract Papier Mache Globe Sculpture: Paper Earth
Abstract,Papier,Mache,Globe,Sculpture:,Paper,Earth,paper mache globe, handmade globe, abstract earth sculpture, crackled earth sculpture, handmade earth, papier mache globe, recycled paper globe, earth decor accent, earth friendly art, recycled art
$59 USD
Abstract Papier Mache Globe Sculpture: Paper Earth
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Big,Gold,Paper,Mache,Ball,,Rustic,Decorative,Knobbly,Papier,Orb,Sculpture:,Horny,Ball,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, gold paper mache object, big bumpy accent ball, handmade papier mache, unbreakable decor objects
$39 USD
Big Gold Paper Mache Ball, Rustic Decorative Knobbly Papier Mache Orb Sculpture: Horny Ball
Big,Gold,Paper,Mache,Ball,,Rustic,Decorative,Knobbly,Papier,Orb,Sculpture:,Horny,Ball,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, gold paper mache object, big bumpy accent ball, handmade papier mache, unbreakable decor objects
$39 USD
Big Gold Paper Mache Ball, Rustic Decorative Knobbly Papier Mache Orb Sculpture: Horny Ball
Handmade,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pitcher,with,Tripod,,Recycled,Decor:,Etrusca,gold pitcher with tripod, handmade paper mache vase, recycled decor, gold papier mache, paper mache vase with stand, recycled accents
$129 USD
Handmade Gold Paper Mache Pitcher with Tripod, Recycled Decor: Etrusca
Handmade,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pitcher,with,Tripod,,Recycled,Decor:,Etrusca,gold pitcher with tripod, handmade paper mache vase, recycled decor, gold papier mache, paper mache vase with stand, recycled accents
$129 USD
Handmade Gold Paper Mache Pitcher with Tripod, Recycled Decor: Etrusca
Small,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,,Green,and,Orange,Papier,Decor,papier mache vase, paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, small bud vase, unbreakable wet vase, green and orange vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$56 USD $45 USD
Small Handmade Paper Mache Vase, Green and Orange Papier Mache Decor
Small,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,,Green,and,Orange,Papier,Decor,papier mache vase, paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, small bud vase, unbreakable wet vase, green and orange vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$56 USD $45 USD
Small Handmade Paper Mache Vase, Green and Orange Papier Mache Decor
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Abstract,Recycled,Art,with,Gold,Leaf:,Ancient,Infinite,#001,abstract art, recycled art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache eye, gold leaf sculpture, gold leaf eye, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$39 USD $36 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Abstract Recycled Art with Gold Leaf: Ancient Infinite #001
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Abstract,Recycled,Art,with,Gold,Leaf:,Ancient,Infinite,#001,abstract art, recycled art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache eye, gold leaf sculpture, gold leaf eye, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$39 USD $36 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Abstract Recycled Art with Gold Leaf: Ancient Infinite #001
Abstract,Bust,Sculpture,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Head,in,Copper,and,Midnight,Blue:,Sentinel,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, head sculpture, recycled art, abstract bust, eco friendly art, bust sculpture, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$59 USD
Abstract Bust Sculpture, Handmade Paper Mache Head in Copper and Midnight Blue: Sentinel
Abstract,Bust,Sculpture,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Head,in,Copper,and,Midnight,Blue:,Sentinel,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, head sculpture, recycled art, abstract bust, eco friendly art, bust sculpture, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$59 USD
Abstract Bust Sculpture, Handmade Paper Mache Head in Copper and Midnight Blue: Sentinel
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Gunmetal,Colored,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#005,paper mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, wall sculpture, decorative plaque sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$56 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Gunmetal Colored Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #005
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Gunmetal,Colored,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#005,paper mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, wall sculpture, decorative plaque sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$56 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Gunmetal Colored Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #005
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Patina,Blue,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#004,Blue paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, small turquoise and copper sculpture, recycled sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office decor
$37 USD $32 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Patina Blue Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #004
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Patina,Blue,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#004,Blue paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, small turquoise and copper sculpture, recycled sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office decor
$37 USD $32 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Patina Blue Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #004
Handmade,Rustic,White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Christmas,Art,Ornament:,Snowdrift,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache snowball ornament, snowdrift, abominable
$19 USD $15.20 USD
Handmade Rustic White and Gray Paper Mache Christmas Art Ornament: Snowdrift
Handmade,Rustic,White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Christmas,Art,Ornament:,Snowdrift,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache snowball ornament, snowdrift, abominable
$19 USD $15.20 USD
Handmade Rustic White and Gray Paper Mache Christmas Art Ornament: Snowdrift
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
Handmade,Decorative,Rustic,Paper,Mache,Candleholder,with,Glass,Cup,handmade paper mache candleholder, handmade paper mache accents, handmade papier mache decor, rustic brown candleholder, shabby brown candleholder, primitive style candleholder, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$36 USD $26 USD
Handmade Decorative Rustic Paper Mache Candleholder with Glass Cup
Handmade,Decorative,Rustic,Paper,Mache,Candleholder,with,Glass,Cup,handmade paper mache candleholder, handmade paper mache accents, handmade papier mache decor, rustic brown candleholder, shabby brown candleholder, primitive style candleholder, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$36 USD $26 USD
Handmade Decorative Rustic Paper Mache Candleholder with Glass Cup
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Faux,Stone,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#002,paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, gray stone like sculpture, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$29 USD $24 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Faux Stone Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #002
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Faux,Stone,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#002,paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, gray stone like sculpture, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$29 USD $24 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Faux Stone Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #002
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Child,Bust,Sculpture:,Untitled,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, child's head, recycled art, African American art, eco friendly art, boy sculpture
$425 USD $340 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Child Bust Sculpture: Untitled
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Child,Bust,Sculpture:,Untitled,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, child's head, recycled art, African American art, eco friendly art, boy sculpture
$425 USD $340 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Child Bust Sculpture: Untitled
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#2,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment, made in america
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #2
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#2,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment, made in america
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #2
Small,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Deep,Purple,and,Soft,Green,Papier,Decor:,Mimsy,handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, small round modern vase, unbreakable wet vase, purple and green vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$45 USD $36 USD
Small Handmade Paper Mache Wet Vase, Deep Purple and Soft Green Papier Mache Decor: Mimsy
Small,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Deep,Purple,and,Soft,Green,Papier,Decor:,Mimsy,handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, small round modern vase, unbreakable wet vase, purple and green vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$45 USD $36 USD
Small Handmade Paper Mache Wet Vase, Deep Purple and Soft Green Papier Mache Decor: Mimsy
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Teacup,,Green,and,Gold,Decorative,Vessel:,Spiro,colorful handmade paper mache teacup, handmade papier mache teacup,  green and gold paper mache, paper mache accents, paper mache decor, childrens room decor, non breakable teacup, whimsical teacup, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Teacup, Green and Gold Decorative Vessel: Spiro
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Teacup,,Green,and,Gold,Decorative,Vessel:,Spiro,colorful handmade paper mache teacup, handmade papier mache teacup,  green and gold paper mache, paper mache accents, paper mache decor, childrens room decor, non breakable teacup, whimsical teacup, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Teacup, Green and Gold Decorative Vessel: Spiro
Closed,Eye,Paper,Mache,Sculpture,,Crackled,White,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#003,crackled white paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, serene recycled sculpture, wall sculpture, spa sculpture art, handmade paper mache decor accents, crackled surface
$45 USD $39 USD
Closed Eye Paper Mache Sculpture, Crackled White Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #003
Closed,Eye,Paper,Mache,Sculpture,,Crackled,White,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#003,crackled white paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, serene recycled sculpture, wall sculpture, spa sculpture art, handmade paper mache decor accents, crackled surface
$45 USD $39 USD
Closed Eye Paper Mache Sculpture, Crackled White Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #003
Handmade,Yellow,Orange,and,Blue,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Scribble,salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, yellow and blue vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$46 USD $36.80 USD
Handmade Yellow Orange and Blue Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Scribble Vase
Handmade,Yellow,Orange,and,Blue,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Scribble,salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, yellow and blue vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$46 USD $36.80 USD
Handmade Yellow Orange and Blue Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Scribble Vase
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Gold,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#3,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Gold Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #3
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Gold,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#3,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Gold Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #3
Paper,Mache,Stones,,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Handsculpted,Accent,Stones,recycled home decor, paper mache products, painted stones, paper mache home accents, colorful paper mache rocks, decorative accent balls, Easter decor, Spring decor, pastel colored rocks
$69 USD $55.20 USD
Paper Mache Stones, Set of Five Colorful Handsculpted Accent Stones
Paper,Mache,Stones,,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Handsculpted,Accent,Stones,recycled home decor, paper mache products, painted stones, paper mache home accents, colorful paper mache rocks, decorative accent balls, Easter decor, Spring decor, pastel colored rocks
$69 USD $55.20 USD
Paper Mache Stones, Set of Five Colorful Handsculpted Accent Stones
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