Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba - product images  of
Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba - product images  of
Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba - product images  of
Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba - product images  of
Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba - product images  of
Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba - product images  of
$34 USD
15.5 in, including clasp | iolite, glass, polymer clay

Adjustable Beaded Purple Iolite and Salvaged Glass Pendant Necklace: Sheba

An adjustable beaded iolite necklace that features a salvaged glass pendant. A string of deep purple colored iolite beads is accented by a pendant, handmade by me. I sculpted a bezel in polymer clay around a piece of salvaged glass, then handpainted and distressed it to give it an aged, artifact look. Accented and finished with rustic brass finish spacers, a lobster clasp and an extension chain, for achieving the perfect fit. An elegant gift for yourself or someone else.

Color: deep purple, antique gold, burgundy, rustic brass
Measurements: approx. 15.5 in, including clasp + 1.75in extension chain (39.5cm + 4.5cm extension chain)
pendant: 1in (3cm)

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Long,Pendant,Necklace,,Chunky,Red,Jasper,Elephant,on,Turquoise,Suede,Cord,red jasper jewelry, elephant jewelry, elephant necklace, suede cord necklace, long necklace, colorful necklace, chunky pendant necklace, turquoise and red necklace, bohemian necklace, opera length necklace
$29 USD
Long Pendant Necklace, Chunky Red Jasper Elephant Pendant on Turquoise Suede Cord
Long,Pendant,Necklace,,Chunky,Red,Jasper,Elephant,on,Turquoise,Suede,Cord,red jasper jewelry, elephant jewelry, elephant necklace, suede cord necklace, long necklace, colorful necklace, chunky pendant necklace, turquoise and red necklace, bohemian necklace, opera length necklace
$29 USD
Long Pendant Necklace, Chunky Red Jasper Elephant Pendant on Turquoise Suede Cord
Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,with,Stands,Set,of,Two,Decorative,Spheres:,Celestial,Orbs,recycled sculpture, accent balls, paper mache decor, home decor, decorative balls, sculpture, globes, spheres on stands, red orange, green, rustic crackle finish, papier mache balls, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$65 USD
Papier Mache Accent Balls with Stands Set of Two Decorative Spheres: Celestial Orbs
Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,with,Stands,Set,of,Two,Decorative,Spheres:,Celestial,Orbs,recycled sculpture, accent balls, paper mache decor, home decor, decorative balls, sculpture, globes, spheres on stands, red orange, green, rustic crackle finish, papier mache balls, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$65 USD
Papier Mache Accent Balls with Stands Set of Two Decorative Spheres: Celestial Orbs
Beaded,Feather,Bookmark,with,Gunmetal,Finish,and,Three,Dangling,Strands,beaded metal feather bookmark, dangle bookmark, gunmetal finish bookmark, sparkly beaded bookmark, fancy unique bookmark, embellished bookmark
$19 USD
Beaded Feather Bookmark with Gunmetal Finish and Three Beaded Dangling Strands
Beaded,Feather,Bookmark,with,Gunmetal,Finish,and,Three,Dangling,Strands,beaded metal feather bookmark, dangle bookmark, gunmetal finish bookmark, sparkly beaded bookmark, fancy unique bookmark, embellished bookmark
$19 USD
Beaded Feather Bookmark with Gunmetal Finish and Three Beaded Dangling Strands
$29 USD
Beaded Stone Pendant Necklace with Wood and Ceramic Beads: Koi
$29 USD
Beaded Stone Pendant Necklace with Wood and Ceramic Beads: Koi
Giant,Carved,Jade,Donut,Pendant,Necklace,with,White,Howlite,Bead:,Emblem,jade necklace, chunky necklace, adjustable necklace, pendant necklace, beaded necklace, big necklace, medallion necklace, white necklace, asian necklace, ethnic necklace, bohemian necklace, donutpendant necklace, handmade necklace, bold necklace
$49 USD
Giant Carved Jade Donut Pendant Necklace with White Howlite Bead: Emblem
Giant,Carved,Jade,Donut,Pendant,Necklace,with,White,Howlite,Bead:,Emblem,jade necklace, chunky necklace, adjustable necklace, pendant necklace, beaded necklace, big necklace, medallion necklace, white necklace, asian necklace, ethnic necklace, bohemian necklace, donutpendant necklace, handmade necklace, bold necklace
$49 USD
Giant Carved Jade Donut Pendant Necklace with White Howlite Bead: Emblem
Long,Cord,Necklace,with,Agate,Stone,Cutout,Pendant:,Open,Heart,long necklace, agate necklace, pendant necklace, opera length necklace, bohemian necklace, turtle shell, earthy necklace, cord necklace, stone necklace, suede necklace, simple necklace
$26 USD
Long Cord Necklace with Agate Stone Cutout Pendant: Open Heart
Long,Cord,Necklace,with,Agate,Stone,Cutout,Pendant:,Open,Heart,long necklace, agate necklace, pendant necklace, opera length necklace, bohemian necklace, turtle shell, earthy necklace, cord necklace, stone necklace, suede necklace, simple necklace
$26 USD
Long Cord Necklace with Agate Stone Cutout Pendant: Open Heart
Giant,Black,Agate,Gemstone,Wired,Wrapped,Adjustable,Ring:,Cosmos,adjustable ring, big ring, black ring, chunky ring, brass ring, couture ring, giant ring, gemstone ring, wired ring, agate ring, cocktail ring, costume ring, bold ring
$28 USD
Giant Black Agate Gemstone Wired Wrapped Adjustable Ring: Cosmos
Giant,Black,Agate,Gemstone,Wired,Wrapped,Adjustable,Ring:,Cosmos,adjustable ring, big ring, black ring, chunky ring, brass ring, couture ring, giant ring, gemstone ring, wired ring, agate ring, cocktail ring, costume ring, bold ring
$28 USD
Giant Black Agate Gemstone Wired Wrapped Adjustable Ring: Cosmos
Adjustable,Rustic,Silver,Cocktail,Ring,Wired,with,Miniature,Seashells,adjustable rustic shell ring, giant adjustable ring, big adjustable ring, big funky wired ring, beach style ring, big bold ring, seashell jewelry
$14 USD
Adjustable Rustic Silver Cocktail Ring Wired with Miniature Seashells
Adjustable,Rustic,Silver,Cocktail,Ring,Wired,with,Miniature,Seashells,adjustable rustic shell ring, giant adjustable ring, big adjustable ring, big funky wired ring, beach style ring, big bold ring, seashell jewelry
$14 USD
Adjustable Rustic Silver Cocktail Ring Wired with Miniature Seashells
Recycled,Paper,Ring,,Rust,Colored,Bead,on,Silver,Plated,Size,5½,Ring:,Like,paper bead jewelry, silver ring, recycled jewelry, handmade paper ring, size 5½ ring, recycled style
$14 USD
Recycled Paper Ring, Rust Colored Paper Bead on Silver Plated Size 5½ Ring: Like
Recycled,Paper,Ring,,Rust,Colored,Bead,on,Silver,Plated,Size,5½,Ring:,Like,paper bead jewelry, silver ring, recycled jewelry, handmade paper ring, size 5½ ring, recycled style
$14 USD
Recycled Paper Ring, Rust Colored Paper Bead on Silver Plated Size 5½ Ring: Like
Beaded,Handmade,Black,Wire,Scarf,Pin,with,Recycled,Paper,Beads:,Pablo,beaded handmade scarf pin, beaded handmade kilt pin, oversized beaded brooch, black wire safety pin, big beaded pin, recycled paper beaded accessories
$15 USD $12 USD
Beaded Handmade Black Wire Scarf Pin with Recycled Paper Beads: Pablo
Beaded,Handmade,Black,Wire,Scarf,Pin,with,Recycled,Paper,Beads:,Pablo,beaded handmade scarf pin, beaded handmade kilt pin, oversized beaded brooch, black wire safety pin, big beaded pin, recycled paper beaded accessories
$15 USD $12 USD
Beaded Handmade Black Wire Scarf Pin with Recycled Paper Beads: Pablo
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,with,Rustic,Gold,Leaf,Finish,paper mache pear, papier mache pear, paper sculpture, gold leafed pear, rustic pear, recycled art, recycled decor, gold pear, paper heirloom decor, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$18 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Pear Sculpture with Rustic Gold Leaf Finish
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,with,Rustic,Gold,Leaf,Finish,paper mache pear, papier mache pear, paper sculpture, gold leafed pear, rustic pear, recycled art, recycled decor, gold pear, paper heirloom decor, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$18 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Pear Sculpture with Rustic Gold Leaf Finish
Faux,Bronze,Papier,Mache,Heart,Sculpture:,Flight,Risk,paper mache heart sculpture, papier mache heart recycled paper sculpture, paper mache art, faux bronze heart sculpture, broken heart sculpture, crackled heart sculpture, metallic paper heart sculpture, recycled art, valentine gifts
$75 USD $69 USD
Faux Bronze Papier Mache Heart Sculpture: Flight Risk
Faux,Bronze,Papier,Mache,Heart,Sculpture:,Flight,Risk,paper mache heart sculpture, papier mache heart recycled paper sculpture, paper mache art, faux bronze heart sculpture, broken heart sculpture, crackled heart sculpture, metallic paper heart sculpture, recycled art, valentine gifts
$75 USD $69 USD
Faux Bronze Papier Mache Heart Sculpture: Flight Risk
Original,Acrylic,Painting,Blowing,Paisley,Bubbles,in,Pastel,Colors,on,Salvaged,Wood:,Dream,Manifesto,original abstract acrylic painting on salvaged wood, recycled art, whimsical pastel paisley painting on wood, bubble blowing painting, abstract paisley painting, ooak acrylic painting on wood, woman blowing bubbles, bubbles painting, whimiscal artwork, pa
$179 USD
Original Acrylic Painting Blowing Paisley Bubbles in Pastel Colors on Salvaged Wood: Dream Manifesto
Original,Acrylic,Painting,Blowing,Paisley,Bubbles,in,Pastel,Colors,on,Salvaged,Wood:,Dream,Manifesto,original abstract acrylic painting on salvaged wood, recycled art, whimsical pastel paisley painting on wood, bubble blowing painting, abstract paisley painting, ooak acrylic painting on wood, woman blowing bubbles, bubbles painting, whimiscal artwork, pa
$179 USD
Original Acrylic Painting Blowing Paisley Bubbles in Pastel Colors on Salvaged Wood: Dream Manifesto
Long,Bone,Bead,and,Pearl,on,Rustic,Brass,Dangle,Earrings:,Anansi,Long bone earrings, rustic dyed bone dangle earrings, african inspired bone dangle earrings, african instead bone jewelry
$16 USD $14 USD
Long Bone Bead and Pearl on Rustic Brass Dangle Earrings: Anansi
Long,Bone,Bead,and,Pearl,on,Rustic,Brass,Dangle,Earrings:,Anansi,Long bone earrings, rustic dyed bone dangle earrings, african inspired bone dangle earrings, african instead bone jewelry
$16 USD $14 USD
Long Bone Bead and Pearl on Rustic Brass Dangle Earrings: Anansi
Dangle,Earrings,with,Handmade,Paper,Beads:,Tearsheets,orange dangle earrings, paper bead jewelry, recycled paper jewelry, handmade bead jewelry
$14 USD
Dangle Earrings with Handmade Paper Beads: Tearsheets
Dangle,Earrings,with,Handmade,Paper,Beads:,Tearsheets,orange dangle earrings, paper bead jewelry, recycled paper jewelry, handmade bead jewelry
$14 USD
Dangle Earrings with Handmade Paper Beads: Tearsheets
Handmade,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Teacup:,Tea,with,Friends,handmade paper mache teacup, colorful handmade papier mache teacup,  paper mache accents, paper mache decor, whimsical decor, childrens room decor, non breakable teacup, whimsical teacup, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$42 USD
Handmade Decorative Paper Mache Teacup: Tea with Friends
Handmade,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Teacup:,Tea,with,Friends,handmade paper mache teacup, colorful handmade papier mache teacup,  paper mache accents, paper mache decor, whimsical decor, childrens room decor, non breakable teacup, whimsical teacup, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$42 USD
Handmade Decorative Paper Mache Teacup: Tea with Friends
Adjustable,Rustic,Brass,Chain,Lariat,Necklace,with,Faceted,Ruby,Briolettes:,Lassoed,Hearts,brass lariat necklace with red stones, adjustable rustic lariat necklace, lariat chain necklace with faceted rubies, red stone necklace, funky red and brass necklace
$28 USD
Adjustable Rustic Brass Chain Lariat Necklace with Faceted Ruby Briolettes: Lassoed Hearts
Adjustable,Rustic,Brass,Chain,Lariat,Necklace,with,Faceted,Ruby,Briolettes:,Lassoed,Hearts,brass lariat necklace with red stones, adjustable rustic lariat necklace, lariat chain necklace with faceted rubies, red stone necklace, funky red and brass necklace
$28 USD
Adjustable Rustic Brass Chain Lariat Necklace with Faceted Ruby Briolettes: Lassoed Hearts
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Bead,on,Brass,Snake,Chain,Necklace:,Elena,adjustable snake chain necklace with paper mache beads, gold paper mache bead necklace, paper mache necklace papier mache necklace, handmade paper mache jewelry, paper mache and brass jewelry
$33 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Bead on Brass Snake Chain Necklace: Elena
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Bead,on,Brass,Snake,Chain,Necklace:,Elena,adjustable snake chain necklace with paper mache beads, gold paper mache bead necklace, paper mache necklace papier mache necklace, handmade paper mache jewelry, paper mache and brass jewelry
$33 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Bead on Brass Snake Chain Necklace: Elena
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Teacup,,Green,and,Gold,Decorative,Vessel:,Spiro,colorful handmade paper mache teacup, handmade papier mache teacup,  green and gold paper mache, paper mache accents, paper mache decor, childrens room decor, non breakable teacup, whimsical teacup, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Teacup, Green and Gold Decorative Vessel: Spiro
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Teacup,,Green,and,Gold,Decorative,Vessel:,Spiro,colorful handmade paper mache teacup, handmade papier mache teacup,  green and gold paper mache, paper mache accents, paper mache decor, childrens room decor, non breakable teacup, whimsical teacup, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Teacup, Green and Gold Decorative Vessel: Spiro
Yellow,Agate,Teardrop,Dangle,Earrings:,Katerina,handmade rustic dangle earrings with yellow agate, yellow agate dangle earrings, handmade dangle earrings, artist made earrings, bohemian chic dangle earrings, funky art earrings
$17 USD
Yellow Agate Teardrop Dangle Earrings: Katerina
Yellow,Agate,Teardrop,Dangle,Earrings:,Katerina,handmade rustic dangle earrings with yellow agate, yellow agate dangle earrings, handmade dangle earrings, artist made earrings, bohemian chic dangle earrings, funky art earrings
$17 USD
Yellow Agate Teardrop Dangle Earrings: Katerina
Agate,and,Acrylic,on,Rustic,Brass,Dangle,Earrings:,Winnie,handmade rustic brass earrings, handmade agate dangle earrings, handmade acrylic and brass dangle earrings, pink and brown jewelry, pink teardrop earrings, leverback dangle earrings
$17 USD
Agate and Acrylic on Rustic Brass Dangle Earrings: Winnie
Agate,and,Acrylic,on,Rustic,Brass,Dangle,Earrings:,Winnie,handmade rustic brass earrings, handmade agate dangle earrings, handmade acrylic and brass dangle earrings, pink and brown jewelry, pink teardrop earrings, leverback dangle earrings
$17 USD
Agate and Acrylic on Rustic Brass Dangle Earrings: Winnie
Long,Black,Glass,and,Rustic,Brass,Dangle,Earrings:,Zaire,long brass dangle earrings, rustic brass handmade earrings, faceted bead earrings, black glass dangle earrings, long ethnic dangle earrings, bohemian tribal inspired jewelry, handmade boho dangle earrings, black and brass dangle earrings
$15 USD
Long Black Glass and Rustic Brass Dangle Earrings: Zaire
Long,Black,Glass,and,Rustic,Brass,Dangle,Earrings:,Zaire,long brass dangle earrings, rustic brass handmade earrings, faceted bead earrings, black glass dangle earrings, long ethnic dangle earrings, bohemian tribal inspired jewelry, handmade boho dangle earrings, black and brass dangle earrings
$15 USD
Long Black Glass and Rustic Brass Dangle Earrings: Zaire
Iridescent,Chocolate,Ceramic,Beaded,Long,Chain,Necklace:,Essie,handmade beaded ceramic and chain necklace, beaded ceramic necklace, long bead and chain necklace, no clasp long necklace, elegant beaded necklace, brown beaded glass necklace
$39 USD
Iridescent Chocolate Ceramic Beaded Long Chain Necklace: Essie
Iridescent,Chocolate,Ceramic,Beaded,Long,Chain,Necklace:,Essie,handmade beaded ceramic and chain necklace, beaded ceramic necklace, long bead and chain necklace, no clasp long necklace, elegant beaded necklace, brown beaded glass necklace
$39 USD
Iridescent Chocolate Ceramic Beaded Long Chain Necklace: Essie
Agate,Couture,Stone,Statement,Necklace:,Sidra,handmade couture agate necklace, bold chunky agate necklace, handmade agate necklace with toggle clasp, agate and copper jewelry, bold stone necklace, red yellow green copper beaded necklace
$36 USD $29 USD
Agate Couture Stone Statement Necklace: Sidra
Agate,Couture,Stone,Statement,Necklace:,Sidra,handmade couture agate necklace, bold chunky agate necklace, handmade agate necklace with toggle clasp, agate and copper jewelry, bold stone necklace, red yellow green copper beaded necklace
$36 USD $29 USD
Agate Couture Stone Statement Necklace: Sidra
Shadowbox,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,Hearts,with,Key:,Beloved,valentine heart keepsake art, heart shadowbox art, paper mache heart gifts, heart and key art
$40 USD
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved
Shadowbox,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,Hearts,with,Key:,Beloved,valentine heart keepsake art, heart shadowbox art, paper mache heart gifts, heart and key art
$40 USD
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved
Shadowbox,Keepsake,with,Four,Paper,Mache,Hearts:,Cherish,keepsake crackled heart shadowbox art
$42 USD
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish
Shadowbox,Keepsake,with,Four,Paper,Mache,Hearts:,Cherish,keepsake crackled heart shadowbox art
$42 USD
Shadowbox Keepsake with Four Paper Mache Hearts: Cherish
Decorative,Paper,Mache,Vase,,Gray,and,Gold,Urn:,Wheat,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$49 USD
Decorative Paper Mache Vase, Gray and Gold Urn: Wheat
Decorative,Paper,Mache,Vase,,Gray,and,Gold,Urn:,Wheat,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$49 USD
Decorative Paper Mache Vase, Gray and Gold Urn: Wheat
Watercolor,Sky,Trees,and,Hands,Abstract,Archival,Print:,Farthest,Reach,watercolor art, abstract watercolor painting, watercolor print, watercolor reproduction, reaching hands and trees painting, watercolor sky, affordable art print, black art, african american art, adinkra art, spiritual art
$29 USD
Watercolor Sky Trees and Hands Abstract Archival Print: Farthest Reach
Watercolor,Sky,Trees,and,Hands,Abstract,Archival,Print:,Farthest,Reach,watercolor art, abstract watercolor painting, watercolor print, watercolor reproduction, reaching hands and trees painting, watercolor sky, affordable art print, black art, african american art, adinkra art, spiritual art
$29 USD
Watercolor Sky Trees and Hands Abstract Archival Print: Farthest Reach
Winter,Heart,Mini,Tray,Ornament,with,Tree,paper mache heart ornament, mini tea tray, mini cup tray, tree inside a heart ornament, Christmas gift ornament, gray cream black ornament, big Christmas ornament, paper mache ornament, papier mache gift, earthfriendly gift
$29 USD
Winter Heart Mini Tray Ornament with Tree
Winter,Heart,Mini,Tray,Ornament,with,Tree,paper mache heart ornament, mini tea tray, mini cup tray, tree inside a heart ornament, Christmas gift ornament, gray cream black ornament, big Christmas ornament, paper mache ornament, papier mache gift, earthfriendly gift
$29 USD
Winter Heart Mini Tray Ornament with Tree
Large,Ridged,Paper,Mache,Swirl,Centerpiece,Bowl:,Crème,Brûlée,handmade paper mache bowl, large paper mache bowl, cream colored bowl, metallic gold design, wall mountable bowl, papier mache art, recycled paper bowl, big bowl centerpiece, swirl pattern
$80 USD $64 USD
Large Ridged Paper Mache Swirl Centerpiece Bowl: Crème Brûlée
Large,Ridged,Paper,Mache,Swirl,Centerpiece,Bowl:,Crème,Brûlée,handmade paper mache bowl, large paper mache bowl, cream colored bowl, metallic gold design, wall mountable bowl, papier mache art, recycled paper bowl, big bowl centerpiece, swirl pattern
$80 USD $64 USD
Large Ridged Paper Mache Swirl Centerpiece Bowl: Crème Brûlée
Cord,Necklace,,White,Stone,Pendant,on,Long,Knotted,Cord:,Blaine,cotton cord necklace, natural cord pendant necklace, long pendant necklace, summer jewelry, white and gold necklace
$29 USD $26 USD
Cord Necklace, White Stone Pendant on Long Knotted Cord: Blaine
Cord,Necklace,,White,Stone,Pendant,on,Long,Knotted,Cord:,Blaine,cotton cord necklace, natural cord pendant necklace, long pendant necklace, summer jewelry, white and gold necklace
$29 USD $26 USD
Cord Necklace, White Stone Pendant on Long Knotted Cord: Blaine
Necklace,,Rustic,Key,Pendant,on,Leather,Cord:,Eros,necklace with key pendant, boho key necklace, shabby chic salvaged paper key necklace, leather cord necklace with key pendant
$25 USD
Necklace, Rustic Key Pendant on Leather Cord: Eros
Necklace,,Rustic,Key,Pendant,on,Leather,Cord:,Eros,necklace with key pendant, boho key necklace, shabby chic salvaged paper key necklace, leather cord necklace with key pendant
$25 USD
Necklace, Rustic Key Pendant on Leather Cord: Eros
Bracelet,,Rustic,Copper,Wrap,Bangle,with,Paper,Bead,Accents,flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with paper beads, bracelet with rustic copper and paper beads, paper beaded rustic copper wrap bangle, adjustable wrap bracelet, copper memory wire bracelet
$18 USD
Bracelet, Rustic Copper Wrap Bangle with Paper Bead Accents
Bracelet,,Rustic,Copper,Wrap,Bangle,with,Paper,Bead,Accents,flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with paper beads, bracelet with rustic copper and paper beads, paper beaded rustic copper wrap bangle, adjustable wrap bracelet, copper memory wire bracelet
$18 USD
Bracelet, Rustic Copper Wrap Bangle with Paper Bead Accents
Beaded,Front,Closure,Toggle,Clasp,Yellow,Turquoise,Carnelian,and,Hematite,Gemstone,Necklace:,Prentice,yellow turquoise pendant necklace, toggle clasp pendant necklace, front closure pendant necklace, carnelian necklace, hematite necklace, bold gemstone necklace, dark silver necklace, orange and yellow necklace
$52 USD
Beaded Front Closure Toggle Clasp Yellow Turquoise Carnelian and Hematite Gemstone Necklace: Prentice
Beaded,Front,Closure,Toggle,Clasp,Yellow,Turquoise,Carnelian,and,Hematite,Gemstone,Necklace:,Prentice,yellow turquoise pendant necklace, toggle clasp pendant necklace, front closure pendant necklace, carnelian necklace, hematite necklace, bold gemstone necklace, dark silver necklace, orange and yellow necklace
$52 USD
Beaded Front Closure Toggle Clasp Yellow Turquoise Carnelian and Hematite Gemstone Necklace: Prentice
Papercast,Female,Torso,Sculpture,on,Natural,Wood,Base:,Clouds,at,Midnight,paper mache woman figure, papier mache figurine, paper mache art, paper mache woman sculpture, paper mache torso, classical full figure statuette, papier mache odelisque, curvy nude woman sculpture
$75 USD
Papercast Female Torso Sculpture on Natural Wood Base: Clouds at Midnight
Papercast,Female,Torso,Sculpture,on,Natural,Wood,Base:,Clouds,at,Midnight,paper mache woman figure, papier mache figurine, paper mache art, paper mache woman sculpture, paper mache torso, classical full figure statuette, papier mache odelisque, curvy nude woman sculpture
$75 USD
Papercast Female Torso Sculpture on Natural Wood Base: Clouds at Midnight
Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Assorted,Texture,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Spheres:,Sherwood,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, fall themed decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$65 USD
Accent Balls, Set of Five Assorted Texture Decorative Paper Mache Spheres: Sherwood
Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Assorted,Texture,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Spheres:,Sherwood,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, fall themed decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$65 USD
Accent Balls, Set of Five Assorted Texture Decorative Paper Mache Spheres: Sherwood