Rustic,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Henreid,handmade decor accents, beige accent balls, paper mache balls, crackled accent balls, light colored decorative balls,  bowl filler balls, centerpiece balls, rustic accent balls, decorative tan spheres, interior decoration balls, textured decor accents
$89 USD $69 USD
Rustic Crackled Paper Mache Accent Balls: Henreid
Rustic,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Henreid,handmade decor accents, beige accent balls, paper mache balls, crackled accent balls, light colored decorative balls,  bowl filler balls, centerpiece balls, rustic accent balls, decorative tan spheres, interior decoration balls, textured decor accents
$89 USD $69 USD
Rustic Crackled Paper Mache Accent Balls: Henreid
Primitive,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Atlas,faux stone balls, paper mache accent balls, papier mache nesting balls, big fake stone balls, minimalist primitive decor accents, large centerpiece, coffee table sculpture
$170 USD
Primitive Paper Mache Accent Balls: Atlas
Primitive,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls:,Atlas,faux stone balls, paper mache accent balls, papier mache nesting balls, big fake stone balls, minimalist primitive decor accents, large centerpiece, coffee table sculpture
$170 USD
Primitive Paper Mache Accent Balls: Atlas
Black,and,White,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,polka dot decor accents, recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, black and white decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$62 USD
Black and White Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Black,and,White,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,polka dot decor accents, recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, black and white decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$62 USD
Black and White Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Copper,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic copper paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$69 USD
Copper Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Copper,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic copper paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$69 USD
Copper Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Green,and,Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, green and gold decorative balls, set of three accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$55 USD
Green and Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Three Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Green,and,Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, green and gold decorative balls, set of three accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$55 USD
Green and Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Three Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Copper,and,Turquoise,Blue,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper and turquoise decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$78 USD
Copper and Turquoise Blue Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Copper,and,Turquoise,Blue,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper and turquoise decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$78 USD
Copper and Turquoise Blue Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,White,and,Gold,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, white and gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$72 USD
Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative White and Gold Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,White,and,Gold,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, white and gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$72 USD
Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative White and Gold Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$75 USD
Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres in Assorted Sizes
Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$75 USD
Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres in Assorted Sizes
Gray,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$85 USD
Gray and Gold Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres
Gray,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Nesting,Spheres,metallic gold paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$85 USD
Gray and Gold Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Nesting Spheres
Paper,Mache,Mirrored,Mosaic,Decor,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,mirror mosaic balls, mirrored accent balls, shatterproof accent balls, set of three mosaic balls, white mosaic home accents, eco friendly decor
$99 USD
Paper Mache Mirrored Mosaic Decor Accent Balls, Set of Three
Paper,Mache,Mirrored,Mosaic,Decor,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,mirror mosaic balls, mirrored accent balls, shatterproof accent balls, set of three mosaic balls, white mosaic home accents, eco friendly decor
$99 USD
Paper Mache Mirrored Mosaic Decor Accent Balls, Set of Three
Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Assorted,Texture,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Spheres:,Sherwood,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, fall themed decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$65 USD
Accent Balls, Set of Five Assorted Texture Decorative Paper Mache Spheres: Sherwood
Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Assorted,Texture,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Spheres:,Sherwood,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, fall themed decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$65 USD
Accent Balls, Set of Five Assorted Texture Decorative Paper Mache Spheres: Sherwood
Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,with,Stands,Set,of,Two,Decorative,Spheres:,Celestial,Orbs,recycled sculpture, accent balls, paper mache decor, home decor, decorative balls, sculpture, globes, spheres on stands, red orange, green, rustic crackle finish, papier mache balls, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$65 USD
Papier Mache Accent Balls with Stands Set of Two Decorative Spheres: Celestial Orbs
Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,with,Stands,Set,of,Two,Decorative,Spheres:,Celestial,Orbs,recycled sculpture, accent balls, paper mache decor, home decor, decorative balls, sculpture, globes, spheres on stands, red orange, green, rustic crackle finish, papier mache balls, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$65 USD
Papier Mache Accent Balls with Stands Set of Two Decorative Spheres: Celestial Orbs
Floral,Pick,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Floral Pick Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Balls on Stems Recycled Decor MADE TO ORDER
Floral,Pick,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Floral Pick Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Balls on Stems Recycled Decor MADE TO ORDER
Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Floral,Pick,Style,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor:,State,Fair,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Floral Pick Style Balls on Stems Recycled Decor: State Fair
Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Floral,Pick,Style,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor:,State,Fair,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Floral Pick Style Balls on Stems Recycled Decor: State Fair
Paper,Mache,Stones,,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Handsculpted,Accent,Stones,recycled home decor, paper mache products, painted stones, paper mache home accents, colorful paper mache rocks, decorative accent balls, Easter decor, Spring decor, pastel colored rocks
$69 USD $55.20 USD
Paper Mache Stones, Set of Five Colorful Handsculpted Accent Stones
Paper,Mache,Stones,,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Handsculpted,Accent,Stones,recycled home decor, paper mache products, painted stones, paper mache home accents, colorful paper mache rocks, decorative accent balls, Easter decor, Spring decor, pastel colored rocks
$69 USD $55.20 USD
Paper Mache Stones, Set of Five Colorful Handsculpted Accent Stones
Set,of,Five,Assorted,Paper,Mache,Shapes,on,Stems,Decor,Picks:,Zanzibar,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$32 USD
Set of Five Assorted Paper Mache Shapes on Stems Decor Picks: Zanzibar
Set,of,Five,Assorted,Paper,Mache,Shapes,on,Stems,Decor,Picks:,Zanzibar,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$32 USD
Set of Five Assorted Paper Mache Shapes on Stems Decor Picks: Zanzibar
Big,Gold,Paper,Mache,Ball,,Rustic,Decorative,Knobbly,Papier,Orb,Sculpture:,Horny,Ball,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, gold paper mache object, big bumpy accent ball, handmade papier mache, unbreakable decor objects
$39 USD
Big Gold Paper Mache Ball, Rustic Decorative Knobbly Papier Mache Orb Sculpture: Horny Ball
Big,Gold,Paper,Mache,Ball,,Rustic,Decorative,Knobbly,Papier,Orb,Sculpture:,Horny,Ball,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, gold paper mache object, big bumpy accent ball, handmade papier mache, unbreakable decor objects
$39 USD
Big Gold Paper Mache Ball, Rustic Decorative Knobbly Papier Mache Orb Sculpture: Horny Ball
Big,Distressed,Faux,Copper,Gazing,Ball,on,Metal,Stand:,Cog,handmade paper mache ball, papier mache art, paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball
$54 USD $46 USD
Big Distressed Faux Copper Gazing Ball on Metal Stand: Cog
Big,Distressed,Faux,Copper,Gazing,Ball,on,Metal,Stand:,Cog,handmade paper mache ball, papier mache art, paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball
$54 USD $46 USD
Big Distressed Faux Copper Gazing Ball on Metal Stand: Cog
Decor,Ball,,Large,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Art,on,Stand:,Qatar,paper mache art, handmade paper mache ball paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball, gold and white decor accent
$150 USD
Decor Ball, Large Decorative Paper Mache Art on Stand: Qatar
Decor,Ball,,Large,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Art,on,Stand:,Qatar,paper mache art, handmade paper mache ball paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball, gold and white decor accent
$150 USD
Decor Ball, Large Decorative Paper Mache Art on Stand: Qatar
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Painted,Wood,and,Salvaged,Wire,Wall,Mounting,Note,Holder,Hanger:,Vitals,handmade wood and salvaged wire wall note holder, modern salvaged wall caddy, handmade note holder, decorative desk organizer, wall mounted decorative storage
$28 USD
Painted Wood and Salvaged Wire Wall Mounting Note Holder and Hanger: Vitals
Painted,Wood,and,Salvaged,Wire,Wall,Mounting,Note,Holder,Hanger:,Vitals,handmade wood and salvaged wire wall note holder, modern salvaged wall caddy, handmade note holder, decorative desk organizer, wall mounted decorative storage
$28 USD
Painted Wood and Salvaged Wire Wall Mounting Note Holder and Hanger: Vitals