Knobbly,Gold,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Handle,handmade paper mache bowl, cream and gray paper mache decor, earth friendly home accent, recycled paper centerpiece, scribble patterned bowl, paper mache fruit bowl
$67 USD $53.60 USD
Knobbly Gold Paper Mache Bowl with Handle
Knobbly,Gold,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Handle,handmade paper mache bowl, cream and gray paper mache decor, earth friendly home accent, recycled paper centerpiece, scribble patterned bowl, paper mache fruit bowl
$67 USD $53.60 USD
Knobbly Gold Paper Mache Bowl with Handle
Abstract,Modern,Faux,Stone,Paper,Mache,Bust,Sculpture,paper mache art, ooak papier mache, modern minimalist bust, original art, paper mache bust sculpture, bust series
$125 USD $100 USD
Abstract Modern Faux Stone Paper Mache Bust Sculpture
Abstract,Modern,Faux,Stone,Paper,Mache,Bust,Sculpture,paper mache art, ooak papier mache, modern minimalist bust, original art, paper mache bust sculpture, bust series
$125 USD $100 USD
Abstract Modern Faux Stone Paper Mache Bust Sculpture
Large,Moon,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Glass,Accent,handmade paper mache bowl, large paper mache bowl, dark colored bowl, metallic silver design, wall mountable bowl, papier mache art, recycled paper bowl, big bowl centerpiece, moon art, moon and stars decor
$170 USD $136 USD
Large Moon Paper Mache Bowl with Glass Accent
Large,Moon,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Glass,Accent,handmade paper mache bowl, large paper mache bowl, dark colored bowl, metallic silver design, wall mountable bowl, papier mache art, recycled paper bowl, big bowl centerpiece, moon art, moon and stars decor
$170 USD $136 USD
Large Moon Paper Mache Bowl with Glass Accent
Large,Decorative,Graphic,Pattern,Paper,Mache,Platter:,Mincie,Paper mache wall art, oversized paper mache platter, sustainable decor, decorative platter on stand, black and white decor accent
$78 USD $62.40 USD
Large Decorative Graphic Pattern Paper Mache Platter: Mincie
Large,Decorative,Graphic,Pattern,Paper,Mache,Platter:,Mincie,Paper mache wall art, oversized paper mache platter, sustainable decor, decorative platter on stand, black and white decor accent
$78 USD $62.40 USD
Large Decorative Graphic Pattern Paper Mache Platter: Mincie
Oversized,Gold,Foil,Paper,Mache,Pomegranate,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Corinth,Paper mache pomegranate, gold pomegranate sculpture, gold foil sculpture, foil leafed sculpture, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$68 USD $54.40 USD
Oversized Gold Foil Paper Mache Pomegranate Sculpture on Stand: Corinth
Oversized,Gold,Foil,Paper,Mache,Pomegranate,Sculpture,on,Stand:,Corinth,Paper mache pomegranate, gold pomegranate sculpture, gold foil sculpture, foil leafed sculpture, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$68 USD $54.40 USD
Oversized Gold Foil Paper Mache Pomegranate Sculpture on Stand: Corinth
Foil,Leafed,Paper,Mache,Sun,and,Moon,Ornament,Set,Christmas ornament, ethnic inspired decor, faces, sun, moon
$23 USD $18.40 USD
Foil Leafed Paper Mache Sun and Moon Ornament Set
Foil,Leafed,Paper,Mache,Sun,and,Moon,Ornament,Set,Christmas ornament, ethnic inspired decor, faces, sun, moon
$23 USD $18.40 USD
Foil Leafed Paper Mache Sun and Moon Ornament Set
Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,,Modern,Sustainable,Decor,Art,Paper mache pear, white pear sculpture, white fruit sculpture, big pear art, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$98 USD $78.40 USD
Paper Mache Pear Sculpture, Modern Sustainable Decor Art
Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,,Modern,Sustainable,Decor,Art,Paper mache pear, white pear sculpture, white fruit sculpture, big pear art, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$98 USD $78.40 USD
Paper Mache Pear Sculpture, Modern Sustainable Decor Art
Decorative,Paper,Mache,River,Stone,Magnets,,Set,of,Five,Gray,and,White:,Quarry,faux river stone magnet set, paper mache magnet set, polished stones, riverstone inspired decor
$29 USD $23.20 USD
Decorative Paper Mache River Stone Magnets, Set of Five Gray and White: Quarry
Decorative,Paper,Mache,River,Stone,Magnets,,Set,of,Five,Gray,and,White:,Quarry,faux river stone magnet set, paper mache magnet set, polished stones, riverstone inspired decor
$29 USD $23.20 USD
Decorative Paper Mache River Stone Magnets, Set of Five Gray and White: Quarry
Rustic,Paper,Mache,Rabbit,Sculpture:,the,Golden,Hare,handmade paper mache art, paper mache rabbit sculpture, rustic paper mache animal, paper mache home decor, limited edition recycled paper art, salvaged paper sculpture
$89 USD
Rustic Paper Mache Rabbit Sculpture: the Golden Hare
Rustic,Paper,Mache,Rabbit,Sculpture:,the,Golden,Hare,handmade paper mache art, paper mache rabbit sculpture, rustic paper mache animal, paper mache home decor, limited edition recycled paper art, salvaged paper sculpture
$89 USD
Rustic Paper Mache Rabbit Sculpture: the Golden Hare
Adjustable,Gold,Leather,Cord,Necklace,with,Red,Mookaite,Slab,Pendant,mookaite jasper pendant necklace, adjustable leather cord necklace, leather and stone necklace, burgundy and gold stone necklace, healing jasper jewelry, red jasper necklace
$32 USD
Adjustable Gold Leather Cord Necklace with Red Mookaite Slab Pendant
Adjustable,Gold,Leather,Cord,Necklace,with,Red,Mookaite,Slab,Pendant,mookaite jasper pendant necklace, adjustable leather cord necklace, leather and stone necklace, burgundy and gold stone necklace, healing jasper jewelry, red jasper necklace
$32 USD
Adjustable Gold Leather Cord Necklace with Red Mookaite Slab Pendant
Adjustable,Copper,Leather,Cord,Necklace,with,Yellow,Mookaite,Slab,Pendant,mookaite jasper pendant necklace, adjustable leather cord necklace, leather and stone necklace, cream and copper stone necklace, healing jasper jewelry, white jasper necklace
$32 USD
Adjustable Copper Leather Cord Necklace with Yellow Mookaite Slab Pendant
Adjustable,Copper,Leather,Cord,Necklace,with,Yellow,Mookaite,Slab,Pendant,mookaite jasper pendant necklace, adjustable leather cord necklace, leather and stone necklace, cream and copper stone necklace, healing jasper jewelry, white jasper necklace
$32 USD
Adjustable Copper Leather Cord Necklace with Yellow Mookaite Slab Pendant
Set,of,Three,Colorful,Handmade,Mini,Paper,Mache,Bowls,papier mache bowls, handmade paper mache bowls, salvaged paper, set of three colorful papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache cups, recycled storage, paper mache decor accents
$28 USD
Set of Three Colorful Handmade Mini Paper Mache Bowls
Set,of,Three,Colorful,Handmade,Mini,Paper,Mache,Bowls,papier mache bowls, handmade paper mache bowls, salvaged paper, set of three colorful papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache cups, recycled storage, paper mache decor accents
$28 USD
Set of Three Colorful Handmade Mini Paper Mache Bowls
Crackled,White,Paper,Mache,Lozenge,Ornament,with,Rustic,Jingle,Bell:,1942,white ornament, papier mache, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, primitive paper mache ornament with bell, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, crackled paper mache ornament
$18 USD $14.40 USD
Crackled White Paper Mache Lozenge Ornament with Rustic Jingle Bell: 1942
Crackled,White,Paper,Mache,Lozenge,Ornament,with,Rustic,Jingle,Bell:,1942,white ornament, papier mache, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, primitive paper mache ornament with bell, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, crackled paper mache ornament
$18 USD $14.40 USD
Crackled White Paper Mache Lozenge Ornament with Rustic Jingle Bell: 1942
Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Floral,Pick,Style,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor:,State,Fair,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Floral Pick Style Balls on Stems Recycled Decor: State Fair
Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Floral,Pick,Style,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor:,State,Fair,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Floral Pick Style Balls on Stems Recycled Decor: State Fair
Long,Rustic,Silver,Ball,Chain,Necklace,with,Faux,Bone,Pendant:,Morocco,long silver ball chain necklace with earthy faux bone pendant, faux bone jewelry, trade bead jewelry, tribe inspired jewelry, handmade long pendant necklace, wood, stone and faux bone necklace, unisex long necklace, vegan jewelry
$39 USD
Long Rustic Silver Ball Chain Necklace with Faux Bone Pendant: Morocco
Long,Rustic,Silver,Ball,Chain,Necklace,with,Faux,Bone,Pendant:,Morocco,long silver ball chain necklace with earthy faux bone pendant, faux bone jewelry, trade bead jewelry, tribe inspired jewelry, handmade long pendant necklace, wood, stone and faux bone necklace, unisex long necklace, vegan jewelry
$39 USD
Long Rustic Silver Ball Chain Necklace with Faux Bone Pendant: Morocco
Hematite,Stone,Chip,and,Rustic,Brass,Fortune,Cookie,Dangle,Earrings:,Takeout,fortune cookie dangle earrings, novelty earrings, hematite dangle earrings, fortune cookie jewelry, fortune cookie gifts, takeout earrings
$17 USD
Hematite Stone Chip and Rustic Brass Fortune Cookie Dangle Earrings: Takeout
Hematite,Stone,Chip,and,Rustic,Brass,Fortune,Cookie,Dangle,Earrings:,Takeout,fortune cookie dangle earrings, novelty earrings, hematite dangle earrings, fortune cookie jewelry, fortune cookie gifts, takeout earrings
$17 USD
Hematite Stone Chip and Rustic Brass Fortune Cookie Dangle Earrings: Takeout
Paper,Mache,Mirrored,Mosaic,Decor,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,mirror mosaic balls, mirrored accent balls, shatterproof accent balls, set of three mosaic balls, white mosaic home accents, eco friendly decor
$99 USD
Paper Mache Mirrored Mosaic Decor Accent Balls, Set of Three
Paper,Mache,Mirrored,Mosaic,Decor,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,mirror mosaic balls, mirrored accent balls, shatterproof accent balls, set of three mosaic balls, white mosaic home accents, eco friendly decor
$99 USD
Paper Mache Mirrored Mosaic Decor Accent Balls, Set of Three
Adjustable,Hematite,Chip,Beaded,Cuff,Bracelet:,Elene,adjustable hematite bracelet, flexible beaded bracelet, non-magnetic hematite jewelry, hematite and gold bracelet, flexible stone chip cuff bracelet, simple cuff bracelet, hematite chip jewelry
$17 USD
Adjustable Hematite Chip Beaded Cuff Bracelet: Elene
Adjustable,Hematite,Chip,Beaded,Cuff,Bracelet:,Elene,adjustable hematite bracelet, flexible beaded bracelet, non-magnetic hematite jewelry, hematite and gold bracelet, flexible stone chip cuff bracelet, simple cuff bracelet, hematite chip jewelry
$17 USD
Adjustable Hematite Chip Beaded Cuff Bracelet: Elene
Set,of,Two,Crackled,Painted,Brass,Bangles,with,Beaded,Bracelets:,Wingbeat,set of two brass bangle bracelets, beaded bracelet set, crackled pink braclets, painted brass bangles, wood beaded bracelets, garnet beaded bracelets, bunchy bohemian bracelet set
$39 USD $29 USD
Set of Two Crackled Painted Brass Bangles with Beaded Bracelets: Wingbeat
Set,of,Two,Crackled,Painted,Brass,Bangles,with,Beaded,Bracelets:,Wingbeat,set of two brass bangle bracelets, beaded bracelet set, crackled pink braclets, painted brass bangles, wood beaded bracelets, garnet beaded bracelets, bunchy bohemian bracelet set
$39 USD $29 USD
Set of Two Crackled Painted Brass Bangles with Beaded Bracelets: Wingbeat
Original,Acrylic,Abstract,Bokeh,Tree,Painting,on,Canvas,with,Capiz,Shells:,A,Certain,Hour,acrylic tree painting on canvas, abstract bokeh tree painting, acrylic tree painting on canvas, dreamy hazy light painting, ooak painting, original abstract tree art, nature art
$379 USD
Original Acrylic Abstract Bokeh Tree Painting on Canvas with Capiz Shells: A Certain Hour
Original,Acrylic,Abstract,Bokeh,Tree,Painting,on,Canvas,with,Capiz,Shells:,A,Certain,Hour,acrylic tree painting on canvas, abstract bokeh tree painting, acrylic tree painting on canvas, dreamy hazy light painting, ooak painting, original abstract tree art, nature art
$379 USD
Original Acrylic Abstract Bokeh Tree Painting on Canvas with Capiz Shells: A Certain Hour
Adjustable,Dark,Wood,Beaded,Wrap,Bangle,with,Hammered,Copper,Heart,Accents:,Crush,adjustable wood bead bracelet, wood beaded memory wire bracelet, wood bangle bracelet, wood and rustic copper heart bracelet, handmade wood bracelet, hammered heart jewelry, valentine bracelet
$17 USD
Adjustable Dark Wood Beaded Wrap Bangle with Hammered Copper Heart Accents: Crush
Adjustable,Dark,Wood,Beaded,Wrap,Bangle,with,Hammered,Copper,Heart,Accents:,Crush,adjustable wood bead bracelet, wood beaded memory wire bracelet, wood bangle bracelet, wood and rustic copper heart bracelet, handmade wood bracelet, hammered heart jewelry, valentine bracelet
$17 USD
Adjustable Dark Wood Beaded Wrap Bangle with Hammered Copper Heart Accents: Crush
Long,Rustic,Brass,Chain,No,Clasp,Lariat,Necklace,with,Bone,Accents:,Fisher,bone and brass chain necklace, fish pendant lariat necklace, long lariat necklace with bone fish, no clasp chain necklace, long brass chain necklace with bone beads
$19 USD
Long Rustic Brass Chain No Clasp Lariat Necklace with Bone Accents: Fisher
Long,Rustic,Brass,Chain,No,Clasp,Lariat,Necklace,with,Bone,Accents:,Fisher,bone and brass chain necklace, fish pendant lariat necklace, long lariat necklace with bone fish, no clasp chain necklace, long brass chain necklace with bone beads
$19 USD
Long Rustic Brass Chain No Clasp Lariat Necklace with Bone Accents: Fisher
Painted,Wood,and,Salvaged,Wire,Wall,Mounting,Note,Holder,Hanger:,Vitals,handmade wood and salvaged wire wall note holder, modern salvaged wall caddy, handmade note holder, decorative desk organizer, wall mounted decorative storage
$28 USD
Painted Wood and Salvaged Wire Wall Mounting Note Holder and Hanger: Vitals
Painted,Wood,and,Salvaged,Wire,Wall,Mounting,Note,Holder,Hanger:,Vitals,handmade wood and salvaged wire wall note holder, modern salvaged wall caddy, handmade note holder, decorative desk organizer, wall mounted decorative storage
$28 USD
Painted Wood and Salvaged Wire Wall Mounting Note Holder and Hanger: Vitals
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Placecard,Note,Picture,Holder,Set:,Equinox,paper mache nuggets, papier mache note holder, salvaged paper photo holder, colorful papier-mâché place card holders, spring decor accents, earth friendly gifts, recycled paper decor
$27 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Placecard Note Picture Holder Set: Equinox
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Placecard,Note,Picture,Holder,Set:,Equinox,paper mache nuggets, papier mache note holder, salvaged paper photo holder, colorful papier-mâché place card holders, spring decor accents, earth friendly gifts, recycled paper decor
$27 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Placecard Note Picture Holder Set: Equinox
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets,paper mache nugget magnet set, colorful papier mache magnets, colorful handmade magnets, druzy nugget magnets, bright colored magnets, bright office accessories
$17 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets,paper mache nugget magnet set, colorful papier mache magnets, colorful handmade magnets, druzy nugget magnets, bright colored magnets, bright office accessories
$17 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets
Colorful,Striped,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#2,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, striped paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, striped vase
$39 USD
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2
Colorful,Striped,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#2,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, striped paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, striped vase
$39 USD
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2
Long,Rustic,Silver,Ball,Chain,Necklace,with,Faceted,Crystal,Beaded,long rustic silver ball chain necklace, ball chain necklace with bead ball pendant, long simple chain necklace, beaded ball pendant on long necklace, boho layering necklace
$16 USD
Long Rustic Silver Ball Chain Necklace with Faceted Crystal Beaded Ball
Long,Rustic,Silver,Ball,Chain,Necklace,with,Faceted,Crystal,Beaded,long rustic silver ball chain necklace, ball chain necklace with bead ball pendant, long simple chain necklace, beaded ball pendant on long necklace, boho layering necklace
$16 USD
Long Rustic Silver Ball Chain Necklace with Faceted Crystal Beaded Ball
Set,of,Three,Neutrals,Handmade,Mini,Paper,Mache,Bowls,papier mache bowls, handmade paper mache bowls, salvaged paper, set of three neutral colored papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache cups, recycled storage, paper mache decor accents
$28 USD
Set of Three Neutrals Handmade Mini Paper Mache Bowls
Set,of,Three,Neutrals,Handmade,Mini,Paper,Mache,Bowls,papier mache bowls, handmade paper mache bowls, salvaged paper, set of three neutral colored papier mache bowls, miniature salvaged paper bowls, papier mache cups, recycled storage, paper mache decor accents
$28 USD
Set of Three Neutrals Handmade Mini Paper Mache Bowls
Colorful,Decorative,Rustic,Wire,and,Bell,Decor,Accent:,Trail,rustic decorative bell, shabby primitive bell accent ornament, bohemian bell ornament, decorative chime accent, boho bell accent
$26 USD $20.80 USD
Colorful Decorative Rustic Wire and Bell Decor Accent: Trail
Colorful,Decorative,Rustic,Wire,and,Bell,Decor,Accent:,Trail,rustic decorative bell, shabby primitive bell accent ornament, bohemian bell ornament, decorative chime accent, boho bell accent
$26 USD $20.80 USD
Colorful Decorative Rustic Wire and Bell Decor Accent: Trail
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Water,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$58 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Water
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Water,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$58 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Water
Paper,Mache,Colorful,Crackled,Pebble,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets:,Painted,Stones,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache stones, painted stones, garden stone magnets, colorful modern magnets, crackled stone paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$17 USD
Paper Mache Colorful Crackled Pebble Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets: Painted Stones
Paper,Mache,Colorful,Crackled,Pebble,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets:,Painted,Stones,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache stones, painted stones, garden stone magnets, colorful modern magnets, crackled stone paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$17 USD
Paper Mache Colorful Crackled Pebble Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets: Painted Stones
Rustic,Brass,Keyring,with,Miniature,Rock,Stack:,Explorer,miniature rock stack keyring, cairn keyring for hikers, stone stack keyring, hiker gift keyring, mini cairn rock stack keyring, mini trail marker rock stack keyring, adverturer keyring
$11 USD
Rustic Brass Keyring with Miniature Rock Stack: Explorer
Rustic,Brass,Keyring,with,Miniature,Rock,Stack:,Explorer,miniature rock stack keyring, cairn keyring for hikers, stone stack keyring, hiker gift keyring, mini cairn rock stack keyring, mini trail marker rock stack keyring, adverturer keyring
$11 USD
Rustic Brass Keyring with Miniature Rock Stack: Explorer
Paper,Mache,Faux,Tusk,Crackled,Pendant,on,Bead,and,Chain,Necklace,paper mache tusk pendant necklace, beaded necklace with papier mache tusk, crackled tusk necklace, turquoise tusk necklace, cream tusk necklace, bead and chain vegan tusk necklace
$32 USD
Paper Mache Faux Tusk Crackled Pendant on Bead and Chain Necklace
Paper,Mache,Faux,Tusk,Crackled,Pendant,on,Bead,and,Chain,Necklace,paper mache tusk pendant necklace, beaded necklace with papier mache tusk, crackled tusk necklace, turquoise tusk necklace, cream tusk necklace, bead and chain vegan tusk necklace
$32 USD
Paper Mache Faux Tusk Crackled Pendant on Bead and Chain Necklace
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
Flexible,Wood,Beaded,Bracelet,with,Embellished,Focal,Dial:,Cape,Verde,beaded wood statement bracelet, flexible wood wrap bracelet, adjustable wood beaded memory wire bracelet, brown and silver beaded wood bracelet
$17 USD
Flexible Wood Beaded Bracelet with Embellished Wood Focal Dial: Cape Verde
Flexible,Wood,Beaded,Bracelet,with,Embellished,Focal,Dial:,Cape,Verde,beaded wood statement bracelet, flexible wood wrap bracelet, adjustable wood beaded memory wire bracelet, brown and silver beaded wood bracelet
$17 USD
Flexible Wood Beaded Bracelet with Embellished Wood Focal Dial: Cape Verde
Handmade,Crackled,Green,Paper,Mache,and,Plastic,Cloche,Jar:,Sylvia,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, crackled green paper mache jar, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche
$65 USD
Handmade Crackled Green Paper Mache and Plastic Cloche Jar: Sylvia
Handmade,Crackled,Green,Paper,Mache,and,Plastic,Cloche,Jar:,Sylvia,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, crackled green paper mache jar, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche
$65 USD
Handmade Crackled Green Paper Mache and Plastic Cloche Jar: Sylvia
Paper,Mache,Cloche,Jar,Decor,Accent,with,Star,and,Fire,Design:,Meteor,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache bell jar, salvaged paper sculpture, painted plastic cloche
$45 USD
Paper Mache Cloche Jar Decor Accent with Star and Fire Design: Meteor
Paper,Mache,Cloche,Jar,Decor,Accent,with,Star,and,Fire,Design:,Meteor,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache bell jar, salvaged paper sculpture, painted plastic cloche
$45 USD
Paper Mache Cloche Jar Decor Accent with Star and Fire Design: Meteor
Paper,Mache,Necklace,,Faceted,Nugget,on,Rustic,Brass,Chain:,Beryl,paper mache white nugget necklace, white papier mache necklace, paper mache pendant necklace, paper mache jewelry, papier mache and chain necklace, adjustable chain necklace with paper mache pendant
$20 USD
Paper Mache Necklace, Faceted Nugget on Rustic Brass Chain: Beryl
Paper,Mache,Necklace,,Faceted,Nugget,on,Rustic,Brass,Chain:,Beryl,paper mache white nugget necklace, white papier mache necklace, paper mache pendant necklace, paper mache jewelry, papier mache and chain necklace, adjustable chain necklace with paper mache pendant
$20 USD
Paper Mache Necklace, Faceted Nugget on Rustic Brass Chain: Beryl
Rustic,Brass,Keyring,with,Chunky,Pink,Handmade,Leather,Tassel:,Sydney,big keyring, pink tassel keyring, leather tassel keyring, leather tassel purse accent, pink leather keyring, chunky tassel keychain, big brass keyring with pink leather tassel, mom gifts
$10 USD
Rustic Brass Keyring with Chunky Pink Handmade Leather Tassel: Sydney
Rustic,Brass,Keyring,with,Chunky,Pink,Handmade,Leather,Tassel:,Sydney,big keyring, pink tassel keyring, leather tassel keyring, leather tassel purse accent, pink leather keyring, chunky tassel keychain, big brass keyring with pink leather tassel, mom gifts
$10 USD
Rustic Brass Keyring with Chunky Pink Handmade Leather Tassel: Sydney
Abstract,Acrylic,Painting,Reproduction,,Woman,with,White,and,Gold,Swirls:,Joy,original abstract painting on canvas, gold and white swirls, painting of a woman, woman painting with with and gold swirls, black woman painting, happy woman painting, african american woman painting, black art reproduction, black art print
$69 USD
Abstract Acrylic Painting Reproduction, Woman with White and Gold Swirls: Joy
Abstract,Acrylic,Painting,Reproduction,,Woman,with,White,and,Gold,Swirls:,Joy,original abstract painting on canvas, gold and white swirls, painting of a woman, woman painting with with and gold swirls, black woman painting, happy woman painting, african american woman painting, black art reproduction, black art print
$69 USD
Abstract Acrylic Painting Reproduction, Woman with White and Gold Swirls: Joy
Gold,Post,Earrings,with,Faceted,Pyrite,Nuggets:,Facile,pyrite, stud earrings, fool's gold, stone post earrings, rustic pyrite stud earrings, faceted puff pyramid earring studs
$16 USD
Gold Post Earrings with Faceted Pyrite Nuggets: Facile
Gold,Post,Earrings,with,Faceted,Pyrite,Nuggets:,Facile,pyrite, stud earrings, fool's gold, stone post earrings, rustic pyrite stud earrings, faceted puff pyramid earring studs
$16 USD
Gold Post Earrings with Faceted Pyrite Nuggets: Facile
Beaded,Bracelet,with,Dark,Wood,and,Green,Stone,Chips:,Foray,adjustable wood bead bracelet, wood beaded memory wire bracelet, wood bangle bracelet, wood and rustic copper heart bracelet, handmade wood bracelet, hammered heart jewelry, valentine bracelet
$19 USD
Beaded Bracelet with Dark Wood and Green Stone Chips: Foray
Beaded,Bracelet,with,Dark,Wood,and,Green,Stone,Chips:,Foray,adjustable wood bead bracelet, wood beaded memory wire bracelet, wood bangle bracelet, wood and rustic copper heart bracelet, handmade wood bracelet, hammered heart jewelry, valentine bracelet
$19 USD
Beaded Bracelet with Dark Wood and Green Stone Chips: Foray
Crescent,Pendant,Necklace,,Gold,Paper,Mache,on,Cord,paper mache bib necklace, gold paper mache crescent pendant necklace, half moon pendant on cord, gold papier mache bib necklace, gold and copper collar necklace
$29 USD
Crescent Pendant Necklace, Gold Paper Mache on Cord
Crescent,Pendant,Necklace,,Gold,Paper,Mache,on,Cord,paper mache bib necklace, gold paper mache crescent pendant necklace, half moon pendant on cord, gold papier mache bib necklace, gold and copper collar necklace
$29 USD
Crescent Pendant Necklace, Gold Paper Mache on Cord
Drawing,,Original,Oil,Pastel,Art,with,Words,Art,is,Everywhere,original oil pastel drawing, art is everywhere drawing, ready to frame pastel art, colorful oil pastel drawing with words, original pastel drawing by Renee Parker
$39 USD
Drawing, Original Oil Pastel Art with Words "Art is Everywhere"
Drawing,,Original,Oil,Pastel,Art,with,Words,Art,is,Everywhere,original oil pastel drawing, art is everywhere drawing, ready to frame pastel art, colorful oil pastel drawing with words, original pastel drawing by Renee Parker
$39 USD
Drawing, Original Oil Pastel Art with Words "Art is Everywhere"
Adjustable,Cuff,Bracelet,,Natural,Wood,Beaded,with,Agate,Accents:,Sela,adjustable wood bead cuff bracelet, agate cuff bracelet, wood beaded memory wire bracelet, wood bangle bracelet, handmade wood bracelet, wood and stone bracelet
$17 USD
Adjustable Cuff Bracelet, Natural Wood Beaded with Agate Accents: Sela
Adjustable,Cuff,Bracelet,,Natural,Wood,Beaded,with,Agate,Accents:,Sela,adjustable wood bead cuff bracelet, agate cuff bracelet, wood beaded memory wire bracelet, wood bangle bracelet, handmade wood bracelet, wood and stone bracelet
$17 USD
Adjustable Cuff Bracelet, Natural Wood Beaded with Agate Accents: Sela
Beaded,Blue,Stone,Necklace,with,Wood,Accents:,Excursion,adjustable stone and wood necklace, blue stone and blond wood necklace, chunky stone necklace, dyed agate necklace
$32 USD
Beaded Blue Stone Necklace with Wood Accents: Excursion
Beaded,Blue,Stone,Necklace,with,Wood,Accents:,Excursion,adjustable stone and wood necklace, blue stone and blond wood necklace, chunky stone necklace, dyed agate necklace
$32 USD
Beaded Blue Stone Necklace with Wood Accents: Excursion
Bottle,Stopper,with,Sculpted,Yellow,and,White,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Top,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottle Stopper with Sculpted Yellow and White Decorative Paper Mache Top
Bottle,Stopper,with,Sculpted,Yellow,and,White,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Top,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottle Stopper with Sculpted Yellow and White Decorative Paper Mache Top
Bottle,Stopper,with,Colorful,Sculpted,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Top,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottle Stopper with Colorful Sculpted Decorative Paper Mache Top
Bottle,Stopper,with,Colorful,Sculpted,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Top,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottle Stopper with Colorful Sculpted Decorative Paper Mache Top
Bottlestopper,with,Sculpted,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Hand,Bracelets,Top:,Hands,Up,for,Wine,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottlestopper with Sculpted Decorative Paper Mache Hand with Bracelets Top: Hands Up for Wine
Bottlestopper,with,Sculpted,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Hand,Bracelets,Top:,Hands,Up,for,Wine,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottlestopper with Sculpted Decorative Paper Mache Hand with Bracelets Top: Hands Up for Wine
Suede,Necklace,,Knotted,Long,Cord,with,Mirror,and,Recycled,Leather,Pendant,long suede cord necklace, compact mirror pendant necklace, salvaged leather necklace, knotted suede cord necklace, mirror pendant necklace, no clasp necklace, leather pendant necklace
$49 USD
Suede Necklace, Knotted Long Cord with Mirror and Recycled Leather Pendant
Suede,Necklace,,Knotted,Long,Cord,with,Mirror,and,Recycled,Leather,Pendant,long suede cord necklace, compact mirror pendant necklace, salvaged leather necklace, knotted suede cord necklace, mirror pendant necklace, no clasp necklace, leather pendant necklace
$49 USD
Suede Necklace, Knotted Long Cord with Mirror and Recycled Leather Pendant
Agate,Pendant,Necklace,with,Wood,and,Glass,Beads,beaded necklace with agate stone pendant, wood and glass beaded pendant necklace, agate necklace, rustic stone glass wood necklace, stone pendant necklace
$19 USD
Agate Pendant Necklace with Wood and Glass Beads
Agate,Pendant,Necklace,with,Wood,and,Glass,Beads,beaded necklace with agate stone pendant, wood and glass beaded pendant necklace, agate necklace, rustic stone glass wood necklace, stone pendant necklace
$19 USD
Agate Pendant Necklace with Wood and Glass Beads
Paper,Mache,Pomegranate,Fruit,,Set,of,Five,MADE,to,ORDER,handmade paper mache fruit, paper mache pomegranates, paper mache, decorative pomegranates, set of five fake fruit,
$79 USD
Paper Mache Pomegranate Fruit, Set of Five MADE to ORDER
Paper,Mache,Pomegranate,Fruit,,Set,of,Five,MADE,to,ORDER,handmade paper mache fruit, paper mache pomegranates, paper mache, decorative pomegranates, set of five fake fruit,
$79 USD
Paper Mache Pomegranate Fruit, Set of Five MADE to ORDER
Beaded,Necklace,with,Glass,,Coral,,and,Ammonite,Fossil,Pendant:,Neptune,ammonite fossil pendant necklace, beaded necklace with shell pendant, nautilus pendant necklace, shell fossil necklace with coral beads, nature inspired jewelry
$36 USD
Beaded Necklace with Glass, Coral, and Ammonite Fossil Pendant: Neptune
Beaded,Necklace,with,Glass,,Coral,,and,Ammonite,Fossil,Pendant:,Neptune,ammonite fossil pendant necklace, beaded necklace with shell pendant, nautilus pendant necklace, shell fossil necklace with coral beads, nature inspired jewelry
$36 USD
Beaded Necklace with Glass, Coral, and Ammonite Fossil Pendant: Neptune
Necklace,,Glass,Beaded,with,Adjustable,Chain,and,Rustic,Silver,Accents,long glass beaded necklace with adjustglass beaded necklace with adjustable chain, convertible glass bead necklace with chain, multi strand glass necklace with rustic silver and chain, glass beaded shabby chic necklace, boho chain necklace
$29 USD
Necklace, Glass Beaded with Adjustable Chain and Rustic Silver Accents
Necklace,,Glass,Beaded,with,Adjustable,Chain,and,Rustic,Silver,Accents,long glass beaded necklace with adjustglass beaded necklace with adjustable chain, convertible glass bead necklace with chain, multi strand glass necklace with rustic silver and chain, glass beaded shabby chic necklace, boho chain necklace
$29 USD
Necklace, Glass Beaded with Adjustable Chain and Rustic Silver Accents
Hurricane,Lamp,,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Glass,Insert,pink hurricane lamp, rustic brown and pink vase, handmade paper mache vase decor, paper mache candleholder, paper mache wet vase, papier mache home decor, pink and brown papier mache home accent
$69 USD
Hurricane Lamp, Decorative Paper Mache Vessel with Glass Insert
Hurricane,Lamp,,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Glass,Insert,pink hurricane lamp, rustic brown and pink vase, handmade paper mache vase decor, paper mache candleholder, paper mache wet vase, papier mache home decor, pink and brown papier mache home accent
$69 USD
Hurricane Lamp, Decorative Paper Mache Vessel with Glass Insert
Bracelet,,Rustic,Copper,Wrap,Bangle,with,Paper,Bead,Accents,flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with paper beads, bracelet with rustic copper and paper beads, paper beaded rustic copper wrap bangle, adjustable wrap bracelet, copper memory wire bracelet
$18 USD
Bracelet, Rustic Copper Wrap Bangle with Paper Bead Accents
Bracelet,,Rustic,Copper,Wrap,Bangle,with,Paper,Bead,Accents,flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with paper beads, bracelet with rustic copper and paper beads, paper beaded rustic copper wrap bangle, adjustable wrap bracelet, copper memory wire bracelet
$18 USD
Bracelet, Rustic Copper Wrap Bangle with Paper Bead Accents
Bracelet,,Flexible,Wrap,Bangle,with,Matte,Black,Glass,and,Rustic,Copper,Accents,flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with copper and black glass, matte black bracelet, black wrap bangle bracelet, copper beaded bracelet, flexible no clasp wrap bracelet, glass bead memory wire bracelet
$19 USD
Bracelet, Flexible Wrap Bangle with Matte Black Glass and Rustic Copper Accents
Bracelet,,Flexible,Wrap,Bangle,with,Matte,Black,Glass,and,Rustic,Copper,Accents,flexible memory wire wrap bracelet with copper and black glass, matte black bracelet, black wrap bangle bracelet, copper beaded bracelet, flexible no clasp wrap bracelet, glass bead memory wire bracelet
$19 USD
Bracelet, Flexible Wrap Bangle with Matte Black Glass and Rustic Copper Accents
Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,White,and,Gold,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, white and gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$72 USD
Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative White and Gold Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Paper,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,White,and,Gold,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, white and gold decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$72 USD
Paper Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative White and Gold Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Bowl,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Decorative,Nodes:,Mineral,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl, bumpy bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$50 USD
Bowl, Handmade Paper Mache Vessel with Decorative Nodes: Mineral
Bowl,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Decorative,Nodes:,Mineral,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl, bumpy bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$50 USD
Bowl, Handmade Paper Mache Vessel with Decorative Nodes: Mineral
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