Long,Pendant,Necklace,,Chunky,Yellow,Mottled,Picasso,Jasper,on,Lavender,Suede,Cord,picasso jasper necklace, suede cord necklace, chunky donut necklace, pendant necklace, colorful stone necklace, natural stone necklace, long necklace, opera length necklace, bohemian necklace
$29 USD
Long Pendant Necklace, Chunky Yellow Mottled Picasso Jasper Pendant on Lavender Suede Cord
Long,Pendant,Necklace,,Chunky,Yellow,Mottled,Picasso,Jasper,on,Lavender,Suede,Cord,picasso jasper necklace, suede cord necklace, chunky donut necklace, pendant necklace, colorful stone necklace, natural stone necklace, long necklace, opera length necklace, bohemian necklace
$29 USD
Long Pendant Necklace, Chunky Yellow Mottled Picasso Jasper Pendant on Lavender Suede Cord
Dark,Wood,and,Yellow,Agate,Dangle,Earrings:,Tree,Sap,handmade boho wood dangle earrings, wood stone brass dangle earrings, brown and yellow earrings, casual handmade earrings, long boho style earrings, handmade dangle earrings, artist made earrings, bohemian chic dangle earrings, funky art earrings
$16 USD
Dark Wood and Yellow Agate Dangle Earrings: Tree Sap
Dark,Wood,and,Yellow,Agate,Dangle,Earrings:,Tree,Sap,handmade boho wood dangle earrings, wood stone brass dangle earrings, brown and yellow earrings, casual handmade earrings, long boho style earrings, handmade dangle earrings, artist made earrings, bohemian chic dangle earrings, funky art earrings
$16 USD
Dark Wood and Yellow Agate Dangle Earrings: Tree Sap
Adjustable,Jasper,Pendant,and,Leather,Cord,Necklace,handmade leather cord necklace with jasper pendant, adjustable cord necklace, adjustable jasper necklace, adjustable pendant necklace, stone pendant necklace, bright colored pendant necklace, natural stone jewelry
$18 USD
Adjustable Jasper Pendant and Leather Cord Necklace
Adjustable,Jasper,Pendant,and,Leather,Cord,Necklace,handmade leather cord necklace with jasper pendant, adjustable cord necklace, adjustable jasper necklace, adjustable pendant necklace, stone pendant necklace, bright colored pendant necklace, natural stone jewelry
$18 USD
Adjustable Jasper Pendant and Leather Cord Necklace
Gray,Ceramic,and,Dark,Wood,Beaded,Long,Necklace,with,Smoky,Quartz,Pendant:,Bailey,handmade gemstone necklace, long quartz pendant necklace, smoky quartz beaded necklace, brown and gray beaded necklace, ceramic bead jewelry, gemstone pendant necklace, wood beaded necklace, copper jewelry
$38 USD
Gray Ceramic and Dark Wood Beaded Long Necklace with Smoky Quartz Pendant: Bailey
Gray,Ceramic,and,Dark,Wood,Beaded,Long,Necklace,with,Smoky,Quartz,Pendant:,Bailey,handmade gemstone necklace, long quartz pendant necklace, smoky quartz beaded necklace, brown and gray beaded necklace, ceramic bead jewelry, gemstone pendant necklace, wood beaded necklace, copper jewelry
$38 USD
Gray Ceramic and Dark Wood Beaded Long Necklace with Smoky Quartz Pendant: Bailey
Gray,Agate,Unisex,Pendant,on,Copper,Leather,Cord,Necklace:,Freesia,handmade agate on leather cord necklace, gray stone unisex necklace, metallic gold leather cord necklace, adjustable necklace, copper jewelry, gray and copper, gray agate
$24 USD
Gray Agate Unisex Pendant on Copper Leather Cord Necklace: Freesia
Gray,Agate,Unisex,Pendant,on,Copper,Leather,Cord,Necklace:,Freesia,handmade agate on leather cord necklace, gray stone unisex necklace, metallic gold leather cord necklace, adjustable necklace, copper jewelry, gray and copper, gray agate
$24 USD
Gray Agate Unisex Pendant on Copper Leather Cord Necklace: Freesia
Long,Brass,Chain,Necklace,with,Pressed,Leaf,Pendant,handmade long brass chain pendant necklace, leaf pendant brass necklace, gilded leaf necklace, opera length brass necklace, adjustable chain necklace, vintage style long necklace, one of a kind jewelry pieces
$22 USD
Long Brass Chain Necklace with Pressed Leaf Pendant
Long,Brass,Chain,Necklace,with,Pressed,Leaf,Pendant,handmade long brass chain pendant necklace, leaf pendant brass necklace, gilded leaf necklace, opera length brass necklace, adjustable chain necklace, vintage style long necklace, one of a kind jewelry pieces
$22 USD
Long Brass Chain Necklace with Pressed Leaf Pendant
Long,Cord,Necklace,with,Agate,Stone,Cutout,Pendant:,Open,Heart,long necklace, agate necklace, pendant necklace, opera length necklace, bohemian necklace, turtle shell, earthy necklace, cord necklace, stone necklace, suede necklace, simple necklace
$26 USD
Long Cord Necklace with Agate Stone Cutout Pendant: Open Heart
Long,Cord,Necklace,with,Agate,Stone,Cutout,Pendant:,Open,Heart,long necklace, agate necklace, pendant necklace, opera length necklace, bohemian necklace, turtle shell, earthy necklace, cord necklace, stone necklace, suede necklace, simple necklace
$26 USD
Long Cord Necklace with Agate Stone Cutout Pendant: Open Heart
Adjustable,Rustic,Silver,Cocktail,Ring,Wired,with,Miniature,Seashells,adjustable rustic shell ring, giant adjustable ring, big adjustable ring, big funky wired ring, beach style ring, big bold ring, seashell jewelry
$14 USD
Adjustable Rustic Silver Cocktail Ring Wired with Miniature Seashells
Adjustable,Rustic,Silver,Cocktail,Ring,Wired,with,Miniature,Seashells,adjustable rustic shell ring, giant adjustable ring, big adjustable ring, big funky wired ring, beach style ring, big bold ring, seashell jewelry
$14 USD
Adjustable Rustic Silver Cocktail Ring Wired with Miniature Seashells
Beaded,Feather,Bookmark,with,Gunmetal,Finish,and,Three,Dangling,Strands,beaded metal feather bookmark, dangle bookmark, gunmetal finish bookmark, sparkly beaded bookmark, fancy unique bookmark, embellished bookmark
$19 USD
Beaded Feather Bookmark with Gunmetal Finish and Three Beaded Dangling Strands
Beaded,Feather,Bookmark,with,Gunmetal,Finish,and,Three,Dangling,Strands,beaded metal feather bookmark, dangle bookmark, gunmetal finish bookmark, sparkly beaded bookmark, fancy unique bookmark, embellished bookmark
$19 USD
Beaded Feather Bookmark with Gunmetal Finish and Three Beaded Dangling Strands
$21 USD
Unisex Leather Cord Necklace with Green Paper Mache Pendant: Fossil
$21 USD
Unisex Leather Cord Necklace with Green Paper Mache Pendant: Fossil
$23 USD
Unisex Pendant Necklace, Lightweight Recycled Orange Paper Mache Pendant on Gunmetal Gray Leather Cord: Beetle
$23 USD
Unisex Pendant Necklace, Lightweight Recycled Orange Paper Mache Pendant on Gunmetal Gray Leather Cord: Beetle
Beaded,Necklace,with,Dyed,Howlite,Stone,on,Leather,Cord,and,Side,Clasp:,Amazon,Jewelry,beaded_necklace,collar_necklace,flexible_choker,bib_necklace,blue_howlite_necklac,howlite_necklace,side_clasp_necklace,brass_necklace,leather_cord_necklac,blue_necklace,stone_necklace,disk_necklace,earthy_necklace,rustic brass fini
$32 USD
Beaded Necklace with Dyed Howlite Stone on Leather Cord and Side Clasp: Amazon
Beaded,Necklace,with,Dyed,Howlite,Stone,on,Leather,Cord,and,Side,Clasp:,Amazon,Jewelry,beaded_necklace,collar_necklace,flexible_choker,bib_necklace,blue_howlite_necklac,howlite_necklace,side_clasp_necklace,brass_necklace,leather_cord_necklac,blue_necklace,stone_necklace,disk_necklace,earthy_necklace,rustic brass fini
$32 USD
Beaded Necklace with Dyed Howlite Stone on Leather Cord and Side Clasp: Amazon
$16 USD
Dangle Earrings: Copper and Pearl with Handmade Recycled Paper Beads, Copper Blossom
$16 USD
Dangle Earrings: Copper and Pearl with Handmade Recycled Paper Beads, Copper Blossom
$29 USD
Convertible Necklace, Aqua Green Suede Cord Necklace and Bracelet with Paper Bead and Glass Charms: Kendall
$29 USD
Convertible Necklace, Aqua Green Suede Cord Necklace and Bracelet with Paper Bead and Glass Charms: Kendall
$18 USD
Beaded Brown Velvet Ribbon Bookmark with Charms: Vera
$18 USD
Beaded Brown Velvet Ribbon Bookmark with Charms: Vera
Set,of,Four,Beaded,Stretch,Bracelets,with,Stone,and,Ceramic,Beads:,Papua,Jewelry,Bracelet,beaded_bracelet,earthy_bracelet,chunky_bracelet,neutral_colors,rustic_bracelet,bracelet_set,stretch_bracelet,elastic_bracelet,adjustable_bracelets,four_bracelets,green_and_brown,set_of_4_bracelets,brown_and_green,rustic silver fini
$32 USD
Set of Four Beaded Stretch Bracelets with Stone and Ceramic Beads: Papua
Set,of,Four,Beaded,Stretch,Bracelets,with,Stone,and,Ceramic,Beads:,Papua,Jewelry,Bracelet,beaded_bracelet,earthy_bracelet,chunky_bracelet,neutral_colors,rustic_bracelet,bracelet_set,stretch_bracelet,elastic_bracelet,adjustable_bracelets,four_bracelets,green_and_brown,set_of_4_bracelets,brown_and_green,rustic silver fini
$32 USD
Set of Four Beaded Stretch Bracelets with Stone and Ceramic Beads: Papua
$32 USD
Red Orange Recycled Paper Mache Unisex Pendant Necklace on Bronze Leather Cord: Mars
$32 USD
Red Orange Recycled Paper Mache Unisex Pendant Necklace on Bronze Leather Cord: Mars
Beaded,Adjustable,Memory,Wire,Bangle,Bracelet:,Mixed,Up,Jewelry,Bracelet,memory_wire_wrap,bangle_bracelet,no_clasp_bracelet,beaded_bracelet,adjustable_bracelet,coil_bracelet,stretch_bracelet,flexible_bracelet,arthritic__bracelet,multiwrap_bracelet,chunky_bracelet,blue_and_copper,stainless steel memory w
$34 USD
Beaded Adjustable Memory Wire Bangle Bracelet: Mixed Up
Beaded,Adjustable,Memory,Wire,Bangle,Bracelet:,Mixed,Up,Jewelry,Bracelet,memory_wire_wrap,bangle_bracelet,no_clasp_bracelet,beaded_bracelet,adjustable_bracelet,coil_bracelet,stretch_bracelet,flexible_bracelet,arthritic__bracelet,multiwrap_bracelet,chunky_bracelet,blue_and_copper,stainless steel memory w
$34 USD
Beaded Adjustable Memory Wire Bangle Bracelet: Mixed Up
$49 USD
Beaded Adjustable Memory Wire Bangle Bracelet in Plum and Aqua Green: Cosmos
$49 USD
Beaded Adjustable Memory Wire Bangle Bracelet in Plum and Aqua Green: Cosmos
Necklace,with,Natural,Yellow,Agate,Pendant,on,Chain:,Molasses,Cookie,Jewelry,Stone,pendant_necklace,adjustable_necklace,yellow_necklace,chain_necklace,agate_necklace,yellow_agate_jewelry,brass_necklace,simple_necklace,stone_necklace,agate_slice_necklace,natural_stone,chunky_pendant,snake_chain_necklace,natural aga
$19 USD
Necklace with Natural Yellow Agate Pendant on Chain: Molasses Cookie
Necklace,with,Natural,Yellow,Agate,Pendant,on,Chain:,Molasses,Cookie,Jewelry,Stone,pendant_necklace,adjustable_necklace,yellow_necklace,chain_necklace,agate_necklace,yellow_agate_jewelry,brass_necklace,simple_necklace,stone_necklace,agate_slice_necklace,natural_stone,chunky_pendant,snake_chain_necklace,natural aga
$19 USD
Necklace with Natural Yellow Agate Pendant on Chain: Molasses Cookie
Cable,Wire,Choker,with,Speckled,Glass,Disc,Pendant:,Manila,handmade wire choker with glass pendant, glass pendant choker, polka dot pendant choker, cable wire choker
$17 USD
Cable Wire Choker with Speckled Glass Disc Pendant: Manila
Cable,Wire,Choker,with,Speckled,Glass,Disc,Pendant:,Manila,handmade wire choker with glass pendant, glass pendant choker, polka dot pendant choker, cable wire choker
$17 USD
Cable Wire Choker with Speckled Glass Disc Pendant: Manila
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