Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands - product images  of
$49 USD

Paper Mache Filigree Sculptures on Stands

Paper mache sculptures mounted on stands. Ornamental filigree inspired paper pulp forms, mounted on stark wooden stands. Created from a pulp of shredded and soaked salvaged paper, sanded, and painted to achieve this look. Choose one or both of these pieces (in the drop down menu), inspired by ancient art and artifacts, and painted to mimic aged, distressed objects. These, however, are very lightweight and shatterproof. Ideal for perching on a mantel, shelf, or side table for effect. The two pictured are available separately or as a pair. First of a collection, arriving in the shop for Spring, look for additional colors and finishes to be added soon.

Treated with several coats of sealant, keep exposure to moisture to a minimum. Wipe clean with a damp cloth, use no cleaning agents.

**You will receive the sculpture(s) you select only. Choose one or choose the pair for an adjusted price. Other items pictured are for example only, not included.

Colors: mottled oatmeal, metallic dark bronze; bases: cherrywood, espresso
Measurements: short sculpture: approx. 11in x 6in x 3.75in (27cm x 14.5cm x 8cm)
tall sculpture: 13in x 6.5in x 3.75in (33cm x 16.5cm x 8cm)

Recycling and conservation is important to me. Unless otherwise indicated, ALL of my papier mache items are made from recycled paper and other reclaimed materials, not preshredded storebought mache.

Ask a question about this piece.


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Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Gunmetal,Colored,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#005,paper mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, wall sculpture, decorative plaque sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$56 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Gunmetal Colored Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #005
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Gunmetal,Colored,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#005,paper mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, wall sculpture, decorative plaque sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$56 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Gunmetal Colored Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #005
Faux,Rock,Stack,Paper,Mache,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Wind,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$65 USD
Faux Rock Stack Paper Mache Cairn Sculpture Decor: Wind
Faux,Rock,Stack,Paper,Mache,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Wind,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$65 USD
Faux Rock Stack Paper Mache Cairn Sculpture Decor: Wind
Salvaged,Slate,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Sohmer,big gray tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Slate Fiber Tassel with Big Crackled Paper Mache Bead: Sohmer
Salvaged,Slate,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Sohmer,big gray tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Slate Fiber Tassel with Big Crackled Paper Mache Bead: Sohmer
Salvaged,Light,Gray,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Orange,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Mortimer,big gray tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Light Gray Fiber Tassel with Big Orange Crackled Paper Mache Bead: Mortimer
Salvaged,Light,Gray,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Orange,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Mortimer,big gray tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Light Gray Fiber Tassel with Big Orange Crackled Paper Mache Bead: Mortimer
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Patina,Blue,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#004,Blue paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, small turquoise and copper sculpture, recycled sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office decor
$37 USD $32 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Patina Blue Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #004
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Patina,Blue,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#004,Blue paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, small turquoise and copper sculpture, recycled sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office decor
$37 USD $32 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Patina Blue Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #004
Big,Papier,Mache,Candied,Pear,Sculpture,with,Rustic,Crackled,Finish:,Poire,D'or,paper mache pear, big papier mache pear, paper fruit sculpture, crackled pear, rustic pear, recycled art, recycled decor, metallic paper pear, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts, candied pear decor, glazed fruit accent
$56 USD
Big Papier Mache Candied Pear Sculpture with Rustic Crackled Finish: Poire D'or
Big,Papier,Mache,Candied,Pear,Sculpture,with,Rustic,Crackled,Finish:,Poire,D'or,paper mache pear, big papier mache pear, paper fruit sculpture, crackled pear, rustic pear, recycled art, recycled decor, metallic paper pear, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts, candied pear decor, glazed fruit accent
$56 USD
Big Papier Mache Candied Pear Sculpture with Rustic Crackled Finish: Poire D'or
Copper,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic copper paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$69 USD
Copper Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Copper,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic copper paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, copper accent pieces, copper balls
$69 USD
Copper Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Super,Long,Paper,Mache,Bead,Wearable,Wall,Decor,Necklace:,Shrine,paper mache bead necklace, long necklace wall decor, chunky beaded necklace decor, salvaged necklace art, salvaged necklace wall hanging, papier mache jewelry, decorative paper mache objects
$89 USD
Super Long Paper Mache Bead Wearable Wall Decor Necklace: Shrine
Super,Long,Paper,Mache,Bead,Wearable,Wall,Decor,Necklace:,Shrine,paper mache bead necklace, long necklace wall decor, chunky beaded necklace decor, salvaged necklace art, salvaged necklace wall hanging, papier mache jewelry, decorative paper mache objects
$89 USD
Super Long Paper Mache Bead Wearable Wall Decor Necklace: Shrine
Green,and,Yellow,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Thoughts,Become,Reality,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, green wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Green and Yellow Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Thoughts Become Reality
Green,and,Yellow,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Thoughts,Become,Reality,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, green wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Green and Yellow Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Thoughts Become Reality
Yellow,and,Orange,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Words,Become,Truth,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, orange wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Yellow and Orange Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Words Become Truth
Yellow,and,Orange,Papier,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,on,4x4,Canvas:,Words,Become,Truth,papier mache eye sculpture, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, law of attraction wall sculpture, papier mache relief on canvas, orange wall art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office art, eye doctor decor, eye themed decor accents
$45 USD
Yellow and Orange Papier Mache Eye Sculpture on 4x4 Canvas: Words Become Truth
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Gold,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#3,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Gold Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #3
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Gold,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#3,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Gold Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #3
Big,Distressed,Faux,Copper,Gazing,Ball,on,Metal,Stand:,Cog,handmade paper mache ball, papier mache art, paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball
$54 USD $46 USD
Big Distressed Faux Copper Gazing Ball on Metal Stand: Cog
Big,Distressed,Faux,Copper,Gazing,Ball,on,Metal,Stand:,Cog,handmade paper mache ball, papier mache art, paper mache ball sculpture on metal stand, paper mache ball decor, recycled art, salvaged paper ball sculpture, decorative paper mache gazing ball
$54 USD $46 USD
Big Distressed Faux Copper Gazing Ball on Metal Stand: Cog
Big,Gold,Paper,Mache,Ball,,Rustic,Decorative,Knobbly,Papier,Orb,Sculpture:,Horny,Ball,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, gold paper mache object, big bumpy accent ball, handmade papier mache, unbreakable decor objects
$39 USD
Big Gold Paper Mache Ball, Rustic Decorative Knobbly Papier Mache Orb Sculpture: Horny Ball
Big,Gold,Paper,Mache,Ball,,Rustic,Decorative,Knobbly,Papier,Orb,Sculpture:,Horny,Ball,paper mache products, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, gold paper mache object, big bumpy accent ball, handmade papier mache, unbreakable decor objects
$39 USD
Big Gold Paper Mache Ball, Rustic Decorative Knobbly Papier Mache Orb Sculpture: Horny Ball
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#1,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #1
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#1,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #1
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Closed,Eye,Paper,Mache,Sculpture,,Crackled,White,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#003,crackled white paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, serene recycled sculpture, wall sculpture, spa sculpture art, handmade paper mache decor accents, crackled surface
$45 USD $39 USD
Closed Eye Paper Mache Sculpture, Crackled White Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #003
Closed,Eye,Paper,Mache,Sculpture,,Crackled,White,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#003,crackled white paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, serene recycled sculpture, wall sculpture, spa sculpture art, handmade paper mache decor accents, crackled surface
$45 USD $39 USD
Closed Eye Paper Mache Sculpture, Crackled White Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #003
Black,and,White,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,polka dot decor accents, recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, black and white decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$62 USD
Black and White Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Black,and,White,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,polka dot decor accents, recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, black and white decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$62 USD
Black and White Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Copper,and,Turquoise,Blue,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper and turquoise decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$78 USD
Copper and Turquoise Blue Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Copper,and,Turquoise,Blue,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Five,Decorative,Spheres,in,Assorted,Sizes,MADE,TO,ORDER,metallic paper mache accent balls, recycled home decor accents, decorative accent spheres, copper and turquoise decorative balls, set of five accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$78 USD
Copper and Turquoise Blue Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Five Decorative Spheres in Assorted Sizes MADE TO ORDER
Green,and,Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, green and gold decorative balls, set of three accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$55 USD
Green and Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Three Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Green,and,Gold,Handmade,Papier,Mache,Accent,Balls,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Spheres,MADE,TO,ORDER,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative accent spheres, green and gold decorative balls, set of three accent balls, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale
$55 USD
Green and Gold Handmade Papier Mache Accent Balls, Set of Three Decorative Spheres MADE TO ORDER
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#2,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment, made in america
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #2
Abstract,Salvaged,Paper,Sculpture,in,a,Wooden,Shadowbox:,Fixtures,Series,,#2,glass front shadowbox art, salvaged paper sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache sculpture, abstract recycled art, fine art paper mache series, tribal art, body adornment, made in america
$59 USD
Abstract Salvaged Paper Sculpture in a Wooden Shadowbox: Fixtures Series, #2
Salvaged,Cream,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Turquoise,Orange,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Randolph,big cream tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Cream Fiber Tassel with Big Turquoise Orange Paper Mache Bead: Randolph
Salvaged,Cream,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Turquoise,Orange,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Randolph,big cream tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Cream Fiber Tassel with Big Turquoise Orange Paper Mache Bead: Randolph
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Faux,Stone,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#002,paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, gray stone like sculpture, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$29 USD $24 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Faux Stone Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #002
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Faux,Stone,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#002,paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, gray stone like sculpture, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$29 USD $24 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Faux Stone Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #002
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Abstract,Recycled,Art,with,Gold,Leaf:,Ancient,Infinite,#001,abstract art, recycled art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache eye, gold leaf sculpture, gold leaf eye, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$39 USD $36 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Abstract Recycled Art with Gold Leaf: Ancient Infinite #001
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Abstract,Recycled,Art,with,Gold,Leaf:,Ancient,Infinite,#001,abstract art, recycled art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache eye, gold leaf sculpture, gold leaf eye, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$39 USD $36 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Abstract Recycled Art with Gold Leaf: Ancient Infinite #001
Abstract,Bust,Sculpture,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Head,in,Copper,and,Midnight,Blue:,Sentinel,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, head sculpture, recycled art, abstract bust, eco friendly art, bust sculpture, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$59 USD
Abstract Bust Sculpture, Handmade Paper Mache Head in Copper and Midnight Blue: Sentinel
Abstract,Bust,Sculpture,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Head,in,Copper,and,Midnight,Blue:,Sentinel,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, head sculpture, recycled art, abstract bust, eco friendly art, bust sculpture, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$59 USD
Abstract Bust Sculpture, Handmade Paper Mache Head in Copper and Midnight Blue: Sentinel
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Child,Bust,Sculpture:,Untitled,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, child's head, recycled art, African American art, eco friendly art, boy sculpture
$425 USD $340 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Child Bust Sculpture: Untitled
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Child,Bust,Sculpture:,Untitled,sculptural bust, paper mache sculpture, fine art sculpture, child's head, recycled art, African American art, eco friendly art, boy sculpture
$425 USD $340 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Child Bust Sculpture: Untitled
Salvaged,Light,Green,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Gray,Orange,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Griffin,big green tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Light Green Fiber Tassel with Big Gray Orange Paper Mache Bead: Griffin
Salvaged,Light,Green,Fiber,Tassel,with,Big,Gray,Orange,Paper,Mache,Bead:,Griffin,big green tassel, paper mache bead, chunky salvaged tassel, upcycled fabric tassel decor, funky recycled decor, paper mache bead tassel
$15 USD $12 USD
Salvaged Light Green Fiber Tassel with Big Gray Orange Paper Mache Bead: Griffin
Abstract,Papier,Mache,Globe,Sculpture:,Paper,Earth,paper mache globe, handmade globe, abstract earth sculpture, crackled earth sculpture, handmade earth, papier mache globe, recycled paper globe, earth decor accent, earth friendly art, recycled art
$59 USD
Abstract Papier Mache Globe Sculpture: Paper Earth
Abstract,Papier,Mache,Globe,Sculpture:,Paper,Earth,paper mache globe, handmade globe, abstract earth sculpture, crackled earth sculpture, handmade earth, papier mache globe, recycled paper globe, earth decor accent, earth friendly art, recycled art
$59 USD
Abstract Papier Mache Globe Sculpture: Paper Earth
Paper,Mache,Stones,,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Handsculpted,Accent,Stones,recycled home decor, paper mache products, painted stones, paper mache home accents, colorful paper mache rocks, decorative accent balls, Easter decor, Spring decor, pastel colored rocks
$69 USD $55.20 USD
Paper Mache Stones, Set of Five Colorful Handsculpted Accent Stones
Paper,Mache,Stones,,Set,of,Five,Colorful,Handsculpted,Accent,Stones,recycled home decor, paper mache products, painted stones, paper mache home accents, colorful paper mache rocks, decorative accent balls, Easter decor, Spring decor, pastel colored rocks
$69 USD $55.20 USD
Paper Mache Stones, Set of Five Colorful Handsculpted Accent Stones
Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Floral,Pick,Style,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor:,State,Fair,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Floral Pick Style Balls on Stems Recycled Decor: State Fair
Set,of,Five,Colorful,Paper,Mache,Floral,Pick,Style,Balls,on,Stems,Recycled,Decor:,State,Fair,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, colorful accents, floral accents, floral stems, floral picks, paper mache balls, modern decor, colorful decor
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Set of Five Colorful Paper Mache Floral Pick Style Balls on Stems Recycled Decor: State Fair
Faceted,Yellow,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Burgundy,Tassel,rustic yellow christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, paper druzy nu
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Yellow Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Burgundy Tassel
Faceted,Yellow,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Burgundy,Tassel,rustic yellow christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, paper druzy nu
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Yellow Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Burgundy Tassel
Faceted,Lavender,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Orange,Tassel,rustic lavender christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, paper druzy nu
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Lavender Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Orange Tassel
Faceted,Lavender,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Orange,Tassel,rustic lavender christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, paper druzy nu
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Lavender Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Orange Tassel
Faceted,Cream,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Burgundy,Tassel,rustic cream christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, paper druzy nugge
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Cream Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Burgundy Tassel
Faceted,Cream,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Burgundy,Tassel,rustic cream christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, paper druzy nugge
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Cream Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Burgundy Tassel
Faceted,Turquoise,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Ornament,with,Orange,Tassel,rustic blue christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Turquoise Paper Mache Nugget Ornament with Orange Tassel
Faceted,Turquoise,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Ornament,with,Orange,Tassel,rustic blue christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Turquoise Paper Mache Nugget Ornament with Orange Tassel
Faceted,Green,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Ornament,with,Purple,Tassel,rustic green christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Green Paper Mache Nugget Ornament with Purple Tassel
Faceted,Green,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Ornament,with,Purple,Tassel,rustic green christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Green Paper Mache Nugget Ornament with Purple Tassel
Faceted,Orange,Paper,Mache,Ornament,with,Green,Tassel,paper mache sculpture, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Orange Paper Mache Ornament with Green Tassel
Faceted,Orange,Paper,Mache,Ornament,with,Green,Tassel,paper mache sculpture, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Orange Paper Mache Ornament with Green Tassel
Faceted,Periwinkle,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Gold,Tassel,rustic blue christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, druzy nugget
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Periwinkle Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Gold Tassel
Faceted,Periwinkle,Paper,Mache,Druzy,Nugget,Ornament,with,Gold,Tassel,rustic blue christmas ornament, handmade paper mache accents, recycled home decor, paper mache Christmas tree ornament, recycled paper ornaments, recycled holiday decor accents, eco friendly Christmas decoration, paper mache door flair, druzy nugget
$16 USD $12.80 USD
Faceted Periwinkle Paper Mache Druzy Nugget Ornament with Gold Tassel