Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved - product images  of
$40 USD
5.5in x 5.5in x 1.5in | paper mache, wood, acrylic

Shadowbox Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Hearts with Key: Beloved

A cluster of dimensional paper hearts framed in a shadowbox. Three hearts, hand sculpted in paper mache. Finished in complimentary red and pink hues and a rustic crackled effect. A script background and rustic key complete the effect. Prop on a surface or hang anywhere you want to add a little love (hanging hardware is attached to the back). A sweet gift for yourself or for someone else.

Color: antique cream, dark brown, red, fuschia, pink, metallic bronze
Measures: approx. 5.5in x 5.5in x 1.5in deep
(14cm x 14cm x 4cm)

*You will receive the hearts and key shadowbox only. Other items shown are for example only, not included. View more pieces like this here.

Recycling and conservation is important to me. Unless otherwise indicated, ALL of my papier mache items are made from recycled paper and other reclaimed materials, not preshredded storebought mache.

Ask a question about this piece.


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Pet,Fish,Ornament,,Paper,Mache,Goldfish,Sculpture,in,a,Bottle,ball ornament, fish ornament, fish sculpture, goldfish decor, goldfish ornament, black moor ornament
$36 USD $28.80 USD
Pet Fish Ornament, Paper Mache Goldfish Sculpture in a Bottle
Pet,Fish,Ornament,,Paper,Mache,Goldfish,Sculpture,in,a,Bottle,ball ornament, fish ornament, fish sculpture, goldfish decor, goldfish ornament, black moor ornament
$36 USD $28.80 USD
Pet Fish Ornament, Paper Mache Goldfish Sculpture in a Bottle
Handmade,Decorative,Rustic,Paper,Mache,Candleholder,with,Glass,Cup,handmade paper mache candleholder, handmade paper mache accents, handmade papier mache decor, rustic brown candleholder, shabby brown candleholder, primitive style candleholder, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$36 USD $26 USD
Handmade Decorative Rustic Paper Mache Candleholder with Glass Cup
Handmade,Decorative,Rustic,Paper,Mache,Candleholder,with,Glass,Cup,handmade paper mache candleholder, handmade paper mache accents, handmade papier mache decor, rustic brown candleholder, shabby brown candleholder, primitive style candleholder, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$36 USD $26 USD
Handmade Decorative Rustic Paper Mache Candleholder with Glass Cup
Faux,Rock,Stack,Paper,Mache,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Wind,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$65 USD
Faux Rock Stack Paper Mache Cairn Sculpture Decor: Wind
Faux,Rock,Stack,Paper,Mache,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Wind,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$65 USD
Faux Rock Stack Paper Mache Cairn Sculpture Decor: Wind
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Accent,Fruit,,Set,of,Three,Decorative,Rustic,Metallic,Shapes,recycled home accents, paper mache accent balls, decorative paper mache fruit, decorative balls, set of three accent fruit sculptures, balls for centerpiece bowls, papier mache sculpture for sale, paper mache apples, paper mache pear, paper anniversary gi
$55 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Accent Fruit, Set of Three Decorative Rustic Metallic Shapes
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Abstract,Recycled,Art,with,Gold,Leaf:,Ancient,Infinite,#001,abstract art, recycled art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache eye, gold leaf sculpture, gold leaf eye, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$39 USD $36 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Abstract Recycled Art with Gold Leaf: Ancient Infinite #001
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Abstract,Recycled,Art,with,Gold,Leaf:,Ancient,Infinite,#001,abstract art, recycled art, paper mache sculpture, paper mache eye, gold leaf sculpture, gold leaf eye, small sculpture, recycled sculpture, handmade paper mache, papier mache
$39 USD $36 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Abstract Recycled Art with Gold Leaf: Ancient Infinite #001
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#2,paper mache vase set, paper mache vase collection, handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache bud vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture, chinese medicine decor, chinese charact
$54 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #2
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#2,paper mache vase set, paper mache vase collection, handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache bud vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture, chinese medicine decor, chinese charact
$54 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #2
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#1,handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture
$59 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #1
Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vase,with,Wire,and,Chinese,Character,Accent:,Signature,#1,handmade paper mache vase, paper mache art, brown papier mache vase, asian inspired vase, mini vase, flower vase, recycled decor vase, salvaged paper sculpture
$59 USD
Handmade Paper Mache Vase with Wire and Chinese Character Accent: Signature #1
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Patina,Blue,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#004,Blue paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, small turquoise and copper sculpture, recycled sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office decor
$37 USD $32 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Patina Blue Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #004
Paper,Mache,Eye,Sculpture,,Patina,Blue,Recycled,Abstract,Art:,Ancient,Infinite,#004,Blue paper mache eye, abstract recycled art, paper mache sculpture, small turquoise and copper sculpture, recycled sculpture, paper mache art, papier mache eye, ophthalmologist office decor
$37 USD $32 USD
Paper Mache Eye Sculpture, Patina Blue Recycled Abstract Art: Ancient Infinite #004
Small,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Deep,Purple,and,Soft,Green,Papier,Decor:,Mimsy,handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, small round modern vase, unbreakable wet vase, purple and green vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$45 USD $36 USD
Small Handmade Paper Mache Wet Vase, Deep Purple and Soft Green Papier Mache Decor: Mimsy
Small,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,,Deep,Purple,and,Soft,Green,Papier,Decor:,Mimsy,handmade papier mache vase, handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, small round modern vase, unbreakable wet vase, purple and green vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$45 USD $36 USD
Small Handmade Paper Mache Wet Vase, Deep Purple and Soft Green Papier Mache Decor: Mimsy
Shadow,Box,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,with,Newspaper,Wings:,Temperate,gold shadowbox art, heart in a shadowbox, heart with wings, handmade paper mache, papier mache, recycled art
$65 USD
Shadow Box Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Heart with Newspaper Wings: Temperate
Shadow,Box,Heart,Keepsake,,Paper,Mache,with,Newspaper,Wings:,Temperate,gold shadowbox art, heart in a shadowbox, heart with wings, handmade paper mache, papier mache, recycled art
$65 USD
Shadow Box Heart Keepsake, Paper Mache Heart with Newspaper Wings: Temperate
Long,Antique,White,Paper,Mache,Paisley,Pendant,Necklace,on,Ball,Chain:,Rapur,long cream paisley necklace, paper mache pendant necklace, white paper mache paisley, recycled paper pendant necklace, crackled white pendant necklace, handmade recycled jewelry, super long chain necklace, copper necklace
$45 USD
Long Antique White Paper Mache Paisley Pendant Necklace on Ball Chain: Rapur
Long,Antique,White,Paper,Mache,Paisley,Pendant,Necklace,on,Ball,Chain:,Rapur,long cream paisley necklace, paper mache pendant necklace, white paper mache paisley, recycled paper pendant necklace, crackled white pendant necklace, handmade recycled jewelry, super long chain necklace, copper necklace
$45 USD
Long Antique White Paper Mache Paisley Pendant Necklace on Ball Chain: Rapur
Rustic,White,Wash,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pedestal,Server:,Three,Monkeys,paper mache pedestal, rustic shabby cake stand, 3 monkeys pedestal, recycled decor accents, three monkeys paper sculpture, plate stand, jewelry display
$62 USD
Rustic White Wash and Gold Paper Mache Pedestal Server: Three Monkeys
Rustic,White,Wash,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pedestal,Server:,Three,Monkeys,paper mache pedestal, rustic shabby cake stand, 3 monkeys pedestal, recycled decor accents, three monkeys paper sculpture, plate stand, jewelry display
$62 USD
Rustic White Wash and Gold Paper Mache Pedestal Server: Three Monkeys
Polka,Dot,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#1,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, polka dot paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache
$39 USD
Polka Dot Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #1
Polka,Dot,Paper,Mache,Bottle,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#1,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, polka dot paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache
$39 USD
Polka Dot Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #1
Aqua,Paper,Mache,Scarab,Beetle,Magnet,Set,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache scarabs, aqua blue scarab magnets, set of paper mache magnets, egyptian inspired magnets, scarab beetle paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$18 USD
Aqua Paper Mache Scarab Beetle Magnet Set
Aqua,Paper,Mache,Scarab,Beetle,Magnet,Set,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache scarabs, aqua blue scarab magnets, set of paper mache magnets, egyptian inspired magnets, scarab beetle paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$18 USD
Aqua Paper Mache Scarab Beetle Magnet Set
Blue,Green,Paper,Mache,Scarab,Beetle,Magnet,Set,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache scarabs, green scarab magnets, set of paper mache magnets, egyptian inspired accents, scarab beetle paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$18 USD
Blue Green Paper Mache Scarab Beetle Magnet Set
Blue,Green,Paper,Mache,Scarab,Beetle,Magnet,Set,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache scarabs, green scarab magnets, set of paper mache magnets, egyptian inspired accents, scarab beetle paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$18 USD
Blue Green Paper Mache Scarab Beetle Magnet Set
Super,Long,Paper,Mache,Bead,Wearable,Wall,Decor,Necklace:,Shrine,paper mache bead necklace, long necklace wall decor, chunky beaded necklace decor, salvaged necklace art, salvaged necklace wall hanging, papier mache jewelry, decorative paper mache objects
$89 USD
Super Long Paper Mache Bead Wearable Wall Decor Necklace: Shrine
Super,Long,Paper,Mache,Bead,Wearable,Wall,Decor,Necklace:,Shrine,paper mache bead necklace, long necklace wall decor, chunky beaded necklace decor, salvaged necklace art, salvaged necklace wall hanging, papier mache jewelry, decorative paper mache objects
$89 USD
Super Long Paper Mache Bead Wearable Wall Decor Necklace: Shrine
Handmade,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Heart,Pin:,paper mache pin, handmade heart pin, papier mache heart brooch, paper mache sculpture, heart accessories, Valentine gifts, Valentine's Day, heart jewelry, paper mache art, recycled gifts, recycled art
$15 USD
Handmade Crackled Paper Mache Heart Pin: Paper Heart
Handmade,Crackled,Paper,Mache,Heart,Pin:,paper mache pin, handmade heart pin, papier mache heart brooch, paper mache sculpture, heart accessories, Valentine gifts, Valentine's Day, heart jewelry, paper mache art, recycled gifts, recycled art
$15 USD
Handmade Crackled Paper Mache Heart Pin: Paper Heart
Knobbly,Gold,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Handle,handmade paper mache bowl, cream and gray paper mache decor, earth friendly home accent, recycled paper centerpiece, scribble patterned bowl, paper mache fruit bowl
$67 USD $53.60 USD
Knobbly Gold Paper Mache Bowl with Handle
Knobbly,Gold,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Handle,handmade paper mache bowl, cream and gray paper mache decor, earth friendly home accent, recycled paper centerpiece, scribble patterned bowl, paper mache fruit bowl
$67 USD $53.60 USD
Knobbly Gold Paper Mache Bowl with Handle
Big,Pin,Accessory,with,Paper,Mache,Bead,for,Scarves,Hats,Sweaters:,Serafina,black scarf pin, bold scarf pin with paper mache bead, big bead hat pin with papier mache bead, chunky brooch pin accessory, fall accessories
$24 USD
Big Pin Accessory with Paper Mache Bead for Scarves Hats Sweaters: Serafina
Big,Pin,Accessory,with,Paper,Mache,Bead,for,Scarves,Hats,Sweaters:,Serafina,black scarf pin, bold scarf pin with paper mache bead, big bead hat pin with papier mache bead, chunky brooch pin accessory, fall accessories
$24 USD
Big Pin Accessory with Paper Mache Bead for Scarves Hats Sweaters: Serafina
Paper,Mache,Bead,Bottle,Stoppers,bottlestopper, bottle stoppers, paper mache hostess gifts, eco friendly barware, paper mache decor
$17 USD
Paper Mache Bead Bottle Stoppers
Paper,Mache,Bead,Bottle,Stoppers,bottlestopper, bottle stoppers, paper mache hostess gifts, eco friendly barware, paper mache decor
$17 USD
Paper Mache Bead Bottle Stoppers
Big,Pin,Accessory,with,Salvaged,Paper,Bead,for,Scarves,Hats,Sweaters:,Blanche,black scarf pin, bold scarf pin with paper bead, big bead hat pin with papier mache bead, uniquebrooch pin accessory, fall accessories, paper anniversary gift, steam punk pin, goth key and paper pin
$30 USD
Big Pin Accessory with Salvaged Paper Bead for Scarves Hats Sweaters: Blanche
Big,Pin,Accessory,with,Salvaged,Paper,Bead,for,Scarves,Hats,Sweaters:,Blanche,black scarf pin, bold scarf pin with paper bead, big bead hat pin with papier mache bead, uniquebrooch pin accessory, fall accessories, paper anniversary gift, steam punk pin, goth key and paper pin
$30 USD
Big Pin Accessory with Salvaged Paper Bead for Scarves Hats Sweaters: Blanche
White,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Spec,Pattern:,Leticia,polka dot fruit bowl, paper mache home decor, paper mache bowl, recycled home goods, eco friendly tableware, recycled paper bowl, white and gray bowl
$52 USD
White Paper Mache Bowl with Spec Pattern: Leticia
White,Paper,Mache,Bowl,with,Spec,Pattern:,Leticia,polka dot fruit bowl, paper mache home decor, paper mache bowl, recycled home goods, eco friendly tableware, recycled paper bowl, white and gray bowl
$52 USD
White Paper Mache Bowl with Spec Pattern: Leticia
Paper,Mache,Rock,with,Words,,Faux,Decorative,Stone:,Go,Forth,and,Be,Fabulous,rock with words, paper mache rock, papier mache desk decor, inspirational gifts, motivational quote, eco-friendly stocking stuffer, encouragement gift
$39 USD
Paper Mache Rock with Words, Faux Decorative Stone: Go Forth and Be Fabulous
Paper,Mache,Rock,with,Words,,Faux,Decorative,Stone:,Go,Forth,and,Be,Fabulous,rock with words, paper mache rock, papier mache desk decor, inspirational gifts, motivational quote, eco-friendly stocking stuffer, encouragement gift
$39 USD
Paper Mache Rock with Words, Faux Decorative Stone: Go Forth and Be Fabulous
Faux,Pavé,and,Paper,Mache,Pendant,Necklace,with,Quartz:,Gilford,paper mache necklace, recycled paper jewelry, papier mache gifts, paper anniversary gifts, upcycled paper ideas, paper mache jewelry collection, quartz pendant, faux pavé pendant necklace
$43 USD
Faux Pavé and Paper Mache Pendant Necklace with Quartz: Gilford
Faux,Pavé,and,Paper,Mache,Pendant,Necklace,with,Quartz:,Gilford,paper mache necklace, recycled paper jewelry, papier mache gifts, paper anniversary gifts, upcycled paper ideas, paper mache jewelry collection, quartz pendant, faux pavé pendant necklace
$43 USD
Faux Pavé and Paper Mache Pendant Necklace with Quartz: Gilford
Paper,Mache,Heart,Pin:,the,Josephine,Series,black scarf pin, bold scarf pin with paper bead, big bead hat pin with papier mache bead, unique brooch pin accessory, fall accessories, paper anniversary gift, paper mache heart pin
$22 USD
Paper Mache Heart Pin: the Josephine Series
Paper,Mache,Heart,Pin:,the,Josephine,Series,black scarf pin, bold scarf pin with paper bead, big bead hat pin with papier mache bead, unique brooch pin accessory, fall accessories, paper anniversary gift, paper mache heart pin
$22 USD
Paper Mache Heart Pin: the Josephine Series
Decorative,Rustic,Shell,and,Papier,Mache,Bell:,Temple,Bell,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, seashell decor, beach style interior decor, rustic bell chime decor accent, lettered cone shell, handmade seashell gifts
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Decorative Rustic Shell and Papier Mache Bell: Temple Bell
Decorative,Rustic,Shell,and,Papier,Mache,Bell:,Temple,Bell,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, seashell decor, beach style interior decor, rustic bell chime decor accent, lettered cone shell, handmade seashell gifts
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Decorative Rustic Shell and Papier Mache Bell: Temple Bell
Decorative,Faux,Fruitwood,Paper,Mache,Mortar,and,Pestle,Fruit,Bowl:,Bittern,paper mache bowl with pattern, handmade paper mache bowl decor, decorative mortar and pestle, blue and orange bowl, faux fruitwood bowl
$99 USD
Decorative Faux Fruitwood Paper Mache Mortar and Pestle Fruit Bowl: Bittern
Decorative,Faux,Fruitwood,Paper,Mache,Mortar,and,Pestle,Fruit,Bowl:,Bittern,paper mache bowl with pattern, handmade paper mache bowl decor, decorative mortar and pestle, blue and orange bowl, faux fruitwood bowl
$99 USD
Decorative Faux Fruitwood Paper Mache Mortar and Pestle Fruit Bowl: Bittern
Bold,Marbled,Paper,Mache,Donut,Pendant,Necklace,on,Cord,with,Gold,Accents:,Theos,paper mache pendant necklace, recycled paper jewelry, papier mache gifts, paper anniversary gifts, upcycled paper gifts, paper mache jewelry collection
$49 USD
Bold Marbled Paper Mache Donut Pendant Necklace on Cord with Gold Accents: Theos
Bold,Marbled,Paper,Mache,Donut,Pendant,Necklace,on,Cord,with,Gold,Accents:,Theos,paper mache pendant necklace, recycled paper jewelry, papier mache gifts, paper anniversary gifts, upcycled paper gifts, paper mache jewelry collection
$49 USD
Bold Marbled Paper Mache Donut Pendant Necklace on Cord with Gold Accents: Theos
Beaded,Totem,Photo,and,Note,Holders,Set,of,Two:,Karma,handmade photo and note holder, beaded desk decor, beaded totem note holder for men, beaded photo display, wire note holder, wire photo perch, gifts for men, gifts for dad
$38 USD
Beaded Totem Photo and Note Holders Set of Two: Karma
Beaded,Totem,Photo,and,Note,Holders,Set,of,Two:,Karma,handmade photo and note holder, beaded desk decor, beaded totem note holder for men, beaded photo display, wire note holder, wire photo perch, gifts for men, gifts for dad
$38 USD
Beaded Totem Photo and Note Holders Set of Two: Karma
Scribbles,Paper,Mache,Bowl,handmade paper mache bowl, cream and gray paper mache decor, earth friendly home accent, recycled paper centerpiece, scribble patterned bowl, paper mache fruit bowl
$52 USD
Scribbles Paper Mache Bowl
Scribbles,Paper,Mache,Bowl,handmade paper mache bowl, cream and gray paper mache decor, earth friendly home accent, recycled paper centerpiece, scribble patterned bowl, paper mache fruit bowl
$52 USD
Scribbles Paper Mache Bowl
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Air,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$57 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Air
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Air,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$57 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Air
Crescent,Pendant,Necklace,,Gold,Paper,Mache,on,Cord,paper mache bib necklace, gold paper mache crescent pendant necklace, half moon pendant on cord, gold papier mache bib necklace, gold and copper collar necklace
$29 USD
Crescent Pendant Necklace, Gold Paper Mache on Cord
Crescent,Pendant,Necklace,,Gold,Paper,Mache,on,Cord,paper mache bib necklace, gold paper mache crescent pendant necklace, half moon pendant on cord, gold papier mache bib necklace, gold and copper collar necklace
$29 USD
Crescent Pendant Necklace, Gold Paper Mache on Cord
Paper,Mache,Embellished,Desk,Accessory,Set:,Magnifying,Glass,and,Letter,Opener,with,Crackled,Handles:,Estate,embellished desk accessory set, magnifying glass and letter opener set, paper mache gifts, recycled gifts, eco friendly gifts, modern desk tools, modern office tools, desk tools with crackled handles, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$52 USD
Paper Mache Embellished Desk Accessory Set: Magnifying Glass and Letter Opener with Crackled Paper Mache Handles: Estate
Paper,Mache,Embellished,Desk,Accessory,Set:,Magnifying,Glass,and,Letter,Opener,with,Crackled,Handles:,Estate,embellished desk accessory set, magnifying glass and letter opener set, paper mache gifts, recycled gifts, eco friendly gifts, modern desk tools, modern office tools, desk tools with crackled handles, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$52 USD
Paper Mache Embellished Desk Accessory Set: Magnifying Glass and Letter Opener with Crackled Paper Mache Handles: Estate
Bowl,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Decorative,Nodes:,Mineral,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl, bumpy bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$50 USD
Bowl, Handmade Paper Mache Vessel with Decorative Nodes: Mineral
Bowl,,Handmade,Paper,Mache,Vessel,with,Decorative,Nodes:,Mineral,papier mache bowl, paper mache bowl, bumpy bowl, centerpiece bowl, recycled paper decor, paper fruit bowl, handmade bowl, eco friendly art, large bowl, recycled decor, paper anniversary
$50 USD
Bowl, Handmade Paper Mache Vessel with Decorative Nodes: Mineral
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze