Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2 - product images  of
$39 USD
paper mache, acrylic, wood, cork, sealant

Colorful Striped Paper Mache Bottle with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #2

A hand sculpted salvaged paper vessel. A modern paper mache form, featuring a hand painted design and a functional stopper. Multi colored stripes embellish the rustic brown paper bottle. A plastic lining makes this piece functional as a vase that can hold fresh flowers and water. Sealed on the outside for moisture resistance and durability.

*You will receive the striped vase and stopper only. Other items shown are for example only, not included. View the entire wave series here.

This vase is special because it is sculpted over a salvaged plastic shell, to create a piece that can hold water, despite being made of paper. A part of my JAW (just add water) collection, this piece is suitable for wet use and shatterproof. Makes a beautiful decorative holder for your favorite diffuser oil and reeds, too! Learn more about the JAW collection here.

Recycling and conservation is important to me. Unless otherwise indicated, ALL of my papier mache items are made from recycled paper and other reclaimed materials, not preshredded storebought mache.

*Not for use with flame or wicks of any kind.

Colors: brown, orange, coral, light blue, green, white, natural wood/cork
Measures: approx. 9.75in h x 3.5in w (24.5cm x 9cm)

Have questions, or need help putting decorative pieces in this shop together? Contact me - I can help!

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Pin,,Paper,Mache,Faceted,Nugget,Brooch,in,Assorted,Colors:,Archie,paper mache nugget pin, papier mache accessories, recycled paper accessories, handmade paper mache art, paper mache gifts, colorful chunky nugget brooch, bold colorful pin
$15 USD
Pin, Paper Mache Faceted Nugget Brooch in Assorted Colors: Archie
Pin,,Paper,Mache,Faceted,Nugget,Brooch,in,Assorted,Colors:,Archie,paper mache nugget pin, papier mache accessories, recycled paper accessories, handmade paper mache art, paper mache gifts, colorful chunky nugget brooch, bold colorful pin
$15 USD
Pin, Paper Mache Faceted Nugget Brooch in Assorted Colors: Archie
Necklace,,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Pendant,on,Cord:,Julie,paper mache nugget cord necklace, papier mache necklace, paper mache pendant cord necklace, paper mache jewelry, papier mache and cord necklace, recycled gifts, unisex necklace
$26 USD
Necklace, Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Pendant on Cord: Julie
Necklace,,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Pendant,on,Cord:,Julie,paper mache nugget cord necklace, papier mache necklace, paper mache pendant cord necklace, paper mache jewelry, papier mache and cord necklace, recycled gifts, unisex necklace
$26 USD
Necklace, Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Pendant on Cord: Julie
Bottle,Vase,,Coral,and,Cream,Paper,Mache,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#3,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, coral paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, coral print vase
$39 USD
Bottle Vase, Coral and Cream Paper Mache with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #3
Bottle,Vase,,Coral,and,Cream,Paper,Mache,with,Wood,Cork,Stopper:,Wave,Vessel,#3,handmade paper mache vase, papier mache art, coral paper mache bottle, paper mache decor accents, functional paper mache art, modern paper mache, coral print vase
$39 USD
Bottle Vase, Coral and Cream Paper Mache with Wood Cork Stopper: Wave Vessel #3
Rustic,Wire,Chime,Sculpture,with,Thimble,Bells:,Vestibule,rustic decorative bell, shabby primitive bell accent ornament, bohemian bell ornament, decorative chime accent, boho bell accent
$28 USD $22.40 USD
Rustic Wire Chime Sculpture with Thimble Bells: Vestibule
Rustic,Wire,Chime,Sculpture,with,Thimble,Bells:,Vestibule,rustic decorative bell, shabby primitive bell accent ornament, bohemian bell ornament, decorative chime accent, boho bell accent
$28 USD $22.40 USD
Rustic Wire Chime Sculpture with Thimble Bells: Vestibule
Colorful,Decorative,Rustic,Wire,and,Bell,Decor,Accent:,Trail,rustic decorative bell, shabby primitive bell accent ornament, bohemian bell ornament, decorative chime accent, boho bell accent
$26 USD $20.80 USD
Colorful Decorative Rustic Wire and Bell Decor Accent: Trail
Colorful,Decorative,Rustic,Wire,and,Bell,Decor,Accent:,Trail,rustic decorative bell, shabby primitive bell accent ornament, bohemian bell ornament, decorative chime accent, boho bell accent
$26 USD $20.80 USD
Colorful Decorative Rustic Wire and Bell Decor Accent: Trail
Flexible,Wood,Beaded,Bracelet,with,Embellished,Focal,Dial:,Cape,Verde,beaded wood statement bracelet, flexible wood wrap bracelet, adjustable wood beaded memory wire bracelet, brown and silver beaded wood bracelet
$17 USD
Flexible Wood Beaded Bracelet with Embellished Wood Focal Dial: Cape Verde
Flexible,Wood,Beaded,Bracelet,with,Embellished,Focal,Dial:,Cape,Verde,beaded wood statement bracelet, flexible wood wrap bracelet, adjustable wood beaded memory wire bracelet, brown and silver beaded wood bracelet
$17 USD
Flexible Wood Beaded Bracelet with Embellished Wood Focal Dial: Cape Verde
Paper,Mache,Faux,Tusk,Crackled,Pendant,on,Bead,and,Chain,Necklace,paper mache tusk pendant necklace, beaded necklace with papier mache tusk, crackled tusk necklace, turquoise tusk necklace, cream tusk necklace, bead and chain vegan tusk necklace
$32 USD
Paper Mache Faux Tusk Crackled Pendant on Bead and Chain Necklace
Paper,Mache,Faux,Tusk,Crackled,Pendant,on,Bead,and,Chain,Necklace,paper mache tusk pendant necklace, beaded necklace with papier mache tusk, crackled tusk necklace, turquoise tusk necklace, cream tusk necklace, bead and chain vegan tusk necklace
$32 USD
Paper Mache Faux Tusk Crackled Pendant on Bead and Chain Necklace
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Placecard,Note,Picture,Holder,Set:,Equinox,paper mache nuggets, papier mache note holder, salvaged paper photo holder, colorful papier-mâché place card holders, spring decor accents, earth friendly gifts, recycled paper decor
$27 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Placecard Note Picture Holder Set: Equinox
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Placecard,Note,Picture,Holder,Set:,Equinox,paper mache nuggets, papier mache note holder, salvaged paper photo holder, colorful papier-mâché place card holders, spring decor accents, earth friendly gifts, recycled paper decor
$27 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Placecard Note Picture Holder Set: Equinox
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets,paper mache nugget magnet set, colorful papier mache magnets, colorful handmade magnets, druzy nugget magnets, bright colored magnets, bright office accessories
$17 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets
Colorful,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets,paper mache nugget magnet set, colorful papier mache magnets, colorful handmade magnets, druzy nugget magnets, bright colored magnets, bright office accessories
$17 USD
Colorful Faceted Paper Mache Nugget Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets
Handmade,Crackled,Green,Paper,Mache,and,Plastic,Cloche,Jar:,Sylvia,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, crackled green paper mache jar, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche
$65 USD
Handmade Crackled Green Paper Mache and Plastic Cloche Jar: Sylvia
Handmade,Crackled,Green,Paper,Mache,and,Plastic,Cloche,Jar:,Sylvia,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, crackled green paper mache jar, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche
$65 USD
Handmade Crackled Green Paper Mache and Plastic Cloche Jar: Sylvia
Rustic,White,Wash,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pedestal,Server:,Three,Monkeys,paper mache pedestal, rustic shabby cake stand, 3 monkeys pedestal, recycled decor accents, three monkeys paper sculpture, plate stand, jewelry display
$62 USD
Rustic White Wash and Gold Paper Mache Pedestal Server: Three Monkeys
Rustic,White,Wash,and,Gold,Paper,Mache,Pedestal,Server:,Three,Monkeys,paper mache pedestal, rustic shabby cake stand, 3 monkeys pedestal, recycled decor accents, three monkeys paper sculpture, plate stand, jewelry display
$62 USD
Rustic White Wash and Gold Paper Mache Pedestal Server: Three Monkeys
Faceted,Gold,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Topped,Cloche,Jar:,Ore,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, paper mache gold nugget, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche, seedling incubator
$23 USD
Faceted Gold Paper Mache Nugget Topped Cloche Jar: Ore
Faceted,Gold,Paper,Mache,Nugget,Topped,Cloche,Jar:,Ore,paper mache cloche, handmade paper mache decor accents, papier mache greenhouse, paper mache bell jar, paper mache gold nugget, paper mache gardening, salvaged paper sculpture, plastic cloche, seedling incubator
$23 USD
Faceted Gold Paper Mache Nugget Topped Cloche Jar: Ore
Handmade,Mod,Cork,and,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Rings,small bud vase, cork sculpture, salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, small handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, shatterproof cork vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$59 USD
Handmade Mod Cork and Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Rings Vase
Handmade,Mod,Cork,and,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Recycled,Decor:,Rings,small bud vase, cork sculpture, salvaged paper decor, handmade papier mache vase, small handmade paper mache vase, decorative reed diffuser bottle, unbreakable wet vase, shatterproof cork vase, recycled paper home accents, recycled plastic home accents
$59 USD
Handmade Mod Cork and Paper Mache Wet Vase Recycled Decor: Rings Vase
Blue,Howlite,and,Red,Kashmiri,Tribal,Beaded,Cuff,Bracelet,with,Accents:,Kada,handmade turquoise bracelet, tribal inspired bracelet, blue and red cuff bracelet, red and turquoise wrap bracelet, kashmir bead bracelet, wire cuff bracelet
$17 USD $15 USD
Blue Howlite and Red Kashmiri Tribal Beaded Cuff Bracelet with Accents: Kada
Blue,Howlite,and,Red,Kashmiri,Tribal,Beaded,Cuff,Bracelet,with,Accents:,Kada,handmade turquoise bracelet, tribal inspired bracelet, blue and red cuff bracelet, red and turquoise wrap bracelet, kashmir bead bracelet, wire cuff bracelet
$17 USD $15 USD
Blue Howlite and Red Kashmiri Tribal Beaded Cuff Bracelet with Accents: Kada
Dyed,Red,Agate,and,Silver,Beaded,Stretch,Bracelet,with,Leaf,Accent:,Rumi,handmade agate beaded bracelet, tribal inspired bracelet, red agate stretch bracelet, red and silver stretch bracelet, stacking bracelet
$22 USD
Dyed Red Agate and Silver Beaded Stretch Bracelet with Silver Leaf Accent: Rumi
Dyed,Red,Agate,and,Silver,Beaded,Stretch,Bracelet,with,Leaf,Accent:,Rumi,handmade agate beaded bracelet, tribal inspired bracelet, red agate stretch bracelet, red and silver stretch bracelet, stacking bracelet
$22 USD
Dyed Red Agate and Silver Beaded Stretch Bracelet with Silver Leaf Accent: Rumi
Blue,Turquoise,and,Red,Kashmiri,Tribal,Beaded,Stretch,Bracelet,with,Silver,Leaf,Accent:,Kailash,handmade turquoise bracelet, tribal inspired bracelet, southwestern inspired stretch bracelet, red and turquoise stretch bracelet, kashmir bead bracelet
$23 USD
Blue Turquoise and Red Kashmiri Tribal Beaded Stretch Bracelet with Silver Leaf Accent: Kailash
Blue,Turquoise,and,Red,Kashmiri,Tribal,Beaded,Stretch,Bracelet,with,Silver,Leaf,Accent:,Kailash,handmade turquoise bracelet, tribal inspired bracelet, southwestern inspired stretch bracelet, red and turquoise stretch bracelet, kashmir bead bracelet
$23 USD
Blue Turquoise and Red Kashmiri Tribal Beaded Stretch Bracelet with Silver Leaf Accent: Kailash
Red,Encrusted,Silver,and,Turquoise,Stone,Beaded,Dangle,Earrings:,Fresca,handmade red glass and blue turquoise silver dangle earrings, red and blue earrings, southwester inspired earrings, eastern inspired earrings, handmade stone and glass earrings
$16 USD
Red Encrusted Silver and Turquoise Stone Beaded Silver Dangle Earrings: Fresca
Red,Encrusted,Silver,and,Turquoise,Stone,Beaded,Dangle,Earrings:,Fresca,handmade red glass and blue turquoise silver dangle earrings, red and blue earrings, southwester inspired earrings, eastern inspired earrings, handmade stone and glass earrings
$16 USD
Red Encrusted Silver and Turquoise Stone Beaded Silver Dangle Earrings: Fresca
Red,Encrusted,Silver,and,Turquoise,Pin,Beaded,Dangle,Earrings:,Sierra,handmade red glass and blue turquoise silver dangle earrings, red and turquoise earrings, southwestern inspired earrings, eastern inspired earrings, handmade stone and glass earrings, stone pin earrings
$16 USD
Red Encrusted Silver and Turquoise Pin Beaded Silver Dangle Earrings: Sierra
Red,Encrusted,Silver,and,Turquoise,Pin,Beaded,Dangle,Earrings:,Sierra,handmade red glass and blue turquoise silver dangle earrings, red and turquoise earrings, southwestern inspired earrings, eastern inspired earrings, handmade stone and glass earrings, stone pin earrings
$16 USD
Red Encrusted Silver and Turquoise Pin Beaded Silver Dangle Earrings: Sierra
Silver,Cuff,,Rustic,Adjustable,Bracelet,with,Light,Blue,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Stone:,Pierce,adjustable silver cuff bracelet, paper mache cuff bracelet, recycled paper jewelry, handmade papermache jewelry, papier mache bracelet, light blue and silver cuff, modern jewelry
$26 USD
Silver Cuff, Rustic Adjustable Bracelet with Light Blue Faceted Paper Mache Stone: Pierce
Silver,Cuff,,Rustic,Adjustable,Bracelet,with,Light,Blue,Faceted,Paper,Mache,Stone:,Pierce,adjustable silver cuff bracelet, paper mache cuff bracelet, recycled paper jewelry, handmade papermache jewelry, papier mache bracelet, light blue and silver cuff, modern jewelry
$26 USD
Silver Cuff, Rustic Adjustable Bracelet with Light Blue Faceted Paper Mache Stone: Pierce
Bottle,Stopper,with,Colorful,Sculpted,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Top,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottle Stopper with Colorful Sculpted Decorative Paper Mache Top
Bottle,Stopper,with,Colorful,Sculpted,Decorative,Paper,Mache,Top,paper mache bottle stopper, bottlestopper, yellow and white wine stopper, salvaged paper gifts, eco friendly bar tools, paper anniversary bottle stopper gift, first anniversary gifts. papier mache bottle stopper
$18 USD
Bottle Stopper with Colorful Sculpted Decorative Paper Mache Top
Adjustable,Rustic,Copper,and,Yellow,Agate,Wire,Wrapped,Cuff,Bracelet:,Catalina,adjustable cuff bracelet, handmade stone bracelet, unisex adjustable agate bracelet, rustic copper and agate adjustable cuff, copper bracelet, wire wrapped stone cuff bracelet, yellow agate jewelry, yellow agate bracelet
$19 USD
Adjustable Rustic Copper and Yellow Agate Wire Wrapped Cuff Bracelet: Catalina
Adjustable,Rustic,Copper,and,Yellow,Agate,Wire,Wrapped,Cuff,Bracelet:,Catalina,adjustable cuff bracelet, handmade stone bracelet, unisex adjustable agate bracelet, rustic copper and agate adjustable cuff, copper bracelet, wire wrapped stone cuff bracelet, yellow agate jewelry, yellow agate bracelet
$19 USD
Adjustable Rustic Copper and Yellow Agate Wire Wrapped Cuff Bracelet: Catalina
Decorative,Paper,Mache,River,Stone,Magnets,,Set,of,Five,Gray,and,White:,Quarry,faux river stone magnet set, paper mache magnet set, polished stones, riverstone inspired decor
$29 USD $23.20 USD
Decorative Paper Mache River Stone Magnets, Set of Five Gray and White: Quarry
Decorative,Paper,Mache,River,Stone,Magnets,,Set,of,Five,Gray,and,White:,Quarry,faux river stone magnet set, paper mache magnet set, polished stones, riverstone inspired decor
$29 USD $23.20 USD
Decorative Paper Mache River Stone Magnets, Set of Five Gray and White: Quarry
Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,,Modern,Sustainable,Decor,Art,Paper mache pear, white pear sculpture, white fruit sculpture, big pear art, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$98 USD $78.40 USD
Paper Mache Pear Sculpture, Modern Sustainable Decor Art
Paper,Mache,Pear,Sculpture,,Modern,Sustainable,Decor,Art,Paper mache pear, white pear sculpture, white fruit sculpture, big pear art, sustainable art, paper sculpture
$98 USD $78.40 USD
Paper Mache Pear Sculpture, Modern Sustainable Decor Art
Rock,Stack,,Paper,Mache,Photo,Note,Holder,Sculpture,handmade paper mache rock stack photo holder, rock stack note holder, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor keepsake, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river
$25 USD
Rock Stack, Paper Mache Photo Note Holder Sculpture
Rock,Stack,,Paper,Mache,Photo,Note,Holder,Sculpture,handmade paper mache rock stack photo holder, rock stack note holder, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor keepsake, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river
$25 USD
Rock Stack, Paper Mache Photo Note Holder Sculpture
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
Light,Blue,Paper,Mache,Bottle,Wet,Vase,with,Cork,Stopper:,Haze,light blue handmade paper mache vase, paper mache wet vase, recycled paper home decor accents, blue paper vase, paper wet vase, papier mache bottle, blue bottle
$48 USD
Light Blue Paper Mache Bottle Wet Vase with Cork Stopper: Haze
Paper,Mache,Embellished,Desk,Accessory,Set:,Magnifying,Glass,and,Letter,Opener,with,Crackled,Handles:,Estate,embellished desk accessory set, magnifying glass and letter opener set, paper mache gifts, recycled gifts, eco friendly gifts, modern desk tools, modern office tools, desk tools with crackled handles, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$52 USD
Paper Mache Embellished Desk Accessory Set: Magnifying Glass and Letter Opener with Crackled Paper Mache Handles: Estate
Paper,Mache,Embellished,Desk,Accessory,Set:,Magnifying,Glass,and,Letter,Opener,with,Crackled,Handles:,Estate,embellished desk accessory set, magnifying glass and letter opener set, paper mache gifts, recycled gifts, eco friendly gifts, modern desk tools, modern office tools, desk tools with crackled handles, paper anniversary gifts, first anniversary gifts
$52 USD
Paper Mache Embellished Desk Accessory Set: Magnifying Glass and Letter Opener with Crackled Paper Mache Handles: Estate
Paper,Mache,Pitcher,Wet,Vase,with,Crystal,Beaded,Drops,Accent:,Sea,Monster,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$285 USD
Paper Mache Pitcher Wet Vase with Crystal Beaded Drops Accent: "Sea Monster"
Paper,Mache,Pitcher,Wet,Vase,with,Crystal,Beaded,Drops,Accent:,Sea,Monster,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$285 USD
Paper Mache Pitcher Wet Vase with Crystal Beaded Drops Accent: "Sea Monster"
Paper,Mache,Colorful,Crackled,Pebble,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets:,Painted,Stones,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache stones, painted stones, garden stone magnets, colorful modern magnets, crackled stone paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$17 USD
Paper Mache Colorful Crackled Pebble Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets: Painted Stones
Paper,Mache,Colorful,Crackled,Pebble,Magnet,Set,,Five,Recycled,Decor,Magnets:,Painted,Stones,handmade paper mache magnets, handmade papier mache stones, painted stones, garden stone magnets, colorful modern magnets, crackled stone paper mache magnets, paper mache home accents, eco friendly decor
$17 USD
Paper Mache Colorful Crackled Pebble Magnet Set, Five Recycled Decor Magnets: Painted Stones
Decorative,Faux,Fruitwood,Paper,Mache,Mortar,and,Pestle,Fruit,Bowl:,Bittern,paper mache bowl with pattern, handmade paper mache bowl decor, decorative mortar and pestle, blue and orange bowl, faux fruitwood bowl
$99 USD
Decorative Faux Fruitwood Paper Mache Mortar and Pestle Fruit Bowl: Bittern
Decorative,Faux,Fruitwood,Paper,Mache,Mortar,and,Pestle,Fruit,Bowl:,Bittern,paper mache bowl with pattern, handmade paper mache bowl decor, decorative mortar and pestle, blue and orange bowl, faux fruitwood bowl
$99 USD
Decorative Faux Fruitwood Paper Mache Mortar and Pestle Fruit Bowl: Bittern
Rustic,White,Artifact,Style,Large,Patterned,Vase:,Frieze,rustic white vase, recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, artifact style vase, ooak papier mache vase
$120 USD
Rustic White Artifact Style Large Patterned Vase: Frieze
Rustic,White,Artifact,Style,Large,Patterned,Vase:,Frieze,rustic white vase, recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, artifact style vase, ooak papier mache vase
$120 USD
Rustic White Artifact Style Large Patterned Vase: Frieze
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Pitcher,Wet,Vase:,Cyril,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$68 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Pitcher and Wet Vase: Cyril
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Pitcher,Wet,Vase:,Cyril,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$68 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Pitcher and Wet Vase: Cyril
Arrow,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Pitcher,with,Copper,Plated,Spout,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$78 USD
Arrow Paper Mache Wet Vase Pitcher with Copper Plated Spout
Arrow,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vase,Pitcher,with,Copper,Plated,Spout,recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache pitcher, eco friendly decor, earth friendly decor, paper mache art, ooak papier mache vase
$78 USD
Arrow Paper Mache Wet Vase Pitcher with Copper Plated Spout
Rustic,Green,Artifact,Style,Handled,Vase:,Viaduct,primitive green vase, recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache, eco friendly decor, sustainable decor, artifact style vase, ooak papier mache vase
$90 USD
Rustic Green Artifact Style Handled Vase: Viaduct
Rustic,Green,Artifact,Style,Handled,Vase:,Viaduct,primitive green vase, recycled paper vase, paper mache decor, handmade paper mache, eco friendly decor, sustainable decor, artifact style vase, ooak papier mache vase
$90 USD
Rustic Green Artifact Style Handled Vase: Viaduct
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
White,and,Gray,Paper,Mache,Wet,Vases,on,Bright,Gold,Bases:,Creek,Bed,Series,paper mache wet vase on gold base, white and gray papier mache wet vase, salvaged paper vase, recycled paper vase accent, handmade paper mache art accents
$65 USD
White and Gray Paper Mache Wet Vases on Bright Gold Bases: Creek Bed Series
Decorative,Rustic,Shell,and,Papier,Mache,Bell:,Temple,Bell,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, seashell decor, beach style interior decor, rustic bell chime decor accent, lettered cone shell, handmade seashell gifts
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Decorative Rustic Shell and Papier Mache Bell: Temple Bell
Decorative,Rustic,Shell,and,Papier,Mache,Bell:,Temple,Bell,recycled decor, paper mache, papier mache decor, seashell decor, beach style interior decor, rustic bell chime decor accent, lettered cone shell, handmade seashell gifts
$42 USD $33.60 USD
Decorative Rustic Shell and Papier Mache Bell: Temple Bell
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Water,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$58 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Water
Paper,Mache,Rock,Stack,Cairn,Sculpture,Decor:,Water,handmade paper mache rock stack sculpture, paper mache cairn sculpture, faux rock decor, stacked stone sculpture, recycled paper sculpture, rock stack decor, zen stone decorative accents, face rock decor accents, river stone decor
$58 USD
Paper Mache Rock Stack Cairn Sculpture Decor: Water