The recent course of global events has shaken the foundations of what we know, believe, and how we experience daily life. In particular, our interactions as a human race, and as unique cultures within that race have been altered.
Around the world we are making efforts to adjust, to remain connected and visible virtually, yet distanced physically. At the same time, our communities of color are fighting again to be seen and to obtain long awaited equality- of civil liberties, police protection, housing/job opportunities, and other basic rights.
As an artist, the common denominator for me is faces. The faces that are temporarily restricted to our device screens. Those behind masks. The faces that equate to familiarity, comfort, and companionship. And the faces of a movement, reignited with new resolve. Young people and elders, those who remember rally cries of another era, and those who are bringing fresh passion to cleansing a wound that was never fully healed are showing up. As a woman of color in America with my own experiences of exclusion and the stories from my parents' youth, I feel this deeply.
Despite our differing opinions, preferences, and ideas on how to solve the issues at hand, one of the things that will serve to get us through are the faces that are showing up. In essential work, on our screens, or within six feet marching for true change.
While debates on the issues of racial equality and the realities of covid 19 rage on, our most human attribute, our faces (masked or unmasked), will keep us connected.
With new developments daily, these issues have become so vast that it would be impossible to encompass all aspects here. This virtual show is meant to inspire and to motivate however humbly it can. I invite you to explore, learn, and contribute to the conversation.

original acrylic on canvas, "the prayer", 24" x 8" x .75", available online

original oil pastel on wood, "the natural", 35.5" x 23.25" x 1", available online

original paper mache, acrylic on canvas, "words become truth", 4" x 4", available online

paper mache, acrylic, cardboard, styrofoam, foil leaf, "hallelujah", 16.75" x 23.5" x 3.25", available online

original paper mache, acrylic art, "untitled", 7.75" x 3.75", available online

race and our children: teaching and protecting them... click to read

original acrylic on canvas, "Meta Lula", 15" x 30" sold

original paper mache, wire, plastic, acrylic, "tea with friends" 3.25in h x 5.75in, sold

original paper mache, acrylic art, "ancient infinite #004", 2.5" 3.25", available online

original oil pastel on wood, "perspective plaque no. 1", 7.125" x 7.5" sold

original acrylic on canvas, "joy", 8" x 10" sold, print available online
"The face is a picture
of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter."
-Marcus Tullius Cicero

original acrylic on canvas, "blue thierry", 6" x 4" sold

original oil pastel on archival paper "art is everywhere", 11" x 14", available online

original paper mache, acrylic art, "sentinel", 875 x 4.25" sold

original acrylic on wood, "work in progress", 17.75" x 23/75",
private collection

original oil on canvas, 11" x 14", private collection

commissioned paper mache, acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20", private collection

paper mache, acrylic "faces" compact mirror, 2.5" x 2.5" sold

original paper mache, acrylic on plaster "we are infinite" 11" x 8", sold

original paper mache, acrylic, untitled, 6" x 15", private collection
show legend: a guide to this exhibit's terminology
learn more about the work featured, the artist, and Created by Renée below

designed by me

designed by customers
"paper mache"

the inside story
"private collection"

found a home

gone, but not forgotten
Cover Your Face:
why masks are important
Not Forgotten
faces of those lost
Share your face and story via the
PBS American Portrait project.
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